Page 425 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 425

392 SECTION | IV Drugs of Use and Abuse  Treatment                                        dimethyl-morphine or thebaine, which acts as a convul-
                                                                sant (Branson and Gross, 2001). Laudanum is deodor-
             Decontamination for recent exposures, monitoring, and
                                                                ized tincture of opium and paregoric is camphorated
             symptomatic and supportive therapy are the basis of
             treatment for barbiturate overdose. Respiratory function,  tincture of opium.
             cardiac function, and body temperature are closely moni-  Morphine sulfate is a Schedule II drug commonly
             tored (Kisseberth and Trammel, 1990; Branson, 2001;  used  medicinally  for  pain  control  and  sedation.
             Volmer, 2005). Emetics are given only to the asymptom-  Oxymorphone is a Schedule II morphine derivative
                                                                approved for use in dogs and cats in the United States.
             atic animal if it is soon after ingestion. Gastric lavage
                                                                Oxymorphone is approximately 10 times more potent
             after intubation is more appropriate when possible in ani-
                                                                than morphine (Branson and Gross, 2001). Other mor-
             mals with CNS depression. Repeated doses of activated
                                                                phine derivatives include codeine and the more potent
             charcoal function to decrease the biological half-life of
                                                                hydromorphone, both Schedule II drugs. Heroin is a
             barbiturates. A cathartic such as sorbitol can be added,
                                                                Schedule I morphine derivative.
             but magnesium-containing cathartics such as magnesium
                                                                  Synthetic opioids include butorphanol and tramadol,
             sulfate (Epsom salt) should be avoided because they
                                                                which are Schedule VI drugs, and methadone, propoxy-
             can enhance CNS depression. IV lipid emulsion has
                                                                phene, meperidine, and pentazocine, all Schedule III
             been used for lipid soluble barbiturates to decrease
                                                                drugs. Oxycodone and hydrocodone are prescription
             the bioavailability and minimize clinical signs (Bischoff
                                                                synthetic opioids classified as Schedule II. Fentanyl is
             et al., 2011).
                                                                formulated into injectable solutions, slow-dissolving
                Monitoring and control of body temperature is essen-
                                                                sticks for oral transmucosal absorption, and patches that
             tial to prevent ventricular fibrillation and decrease the
                                                                release doses of 25, 50, 75 or 100 μg/h for transdermal
             duration of the clinical signs. Intubation and assisted ven-
                                                                absorption. Fentanyl is about 80 times more potent than
             tilation are required when marked respiratory suppression
                                                                morphine (Branson and Gross, 2001). Other potent syn-
             is noted. Fluid therapy is necessary in some cases to
                                                                thetic opioids are alfentanil, sufentanil citrate, and etor-
             maintain cardiac and renal function. Alkaline diuresis has
                                                                phine HCl, which is 10,000 times as potent as morphine
             been used to increase the rate of excretion of some barbi-
                                                                and used in wildlife capture. These potent drugs are
             turates but is ineffective with short-acting barbiturates.
             Because tissue partitioning attenuates the effects of barbi-  classified in Schedule II. Desomorphine is a schedule I
             turates, it is possible for the patient to relapse as the drug  drug.
             repartitions from the tissues back into plasma. Certain  The morphine derivative heroin is one of the most
                                                                abused opioids, and use is increasing because of increased
             drugs are contraindicated in the barbiturate overdose
                                                                availability and relatively low cost (Dumonceaux, 1995;
             patient. Dextrose, fructose, lactate, pyruvate and gluta-
                                                                Anonymous, 2011). A survey of US high-school students
             mate can increase partitioning of barbiturates into the
                                                                found that 2.5% had used heroin, though another survey
             CNS. Epinephrine and isoproterenol cause reanesthetiza-
                                                                stated that only about 1% had used heroin in the past
             tion after thiopental exposure. Sulfonamides, salicylates,
                                                                year, and up to 25% said it was accessible to them
             and doxycycline increase bioavailability of barbiturates
                                                                (Latimer and Zur, 2010). A white to dark brown powder,
             by displacing them from plasma proteins.
                                                                heroin often contains additives such as sugar, starch, pow-
                Many laboratories can analyze samples such as urine,
                                                                dered milk, quinine, or strychnine. Heroin was tradition-
             blood products, or tissues for barbiturates. Common tech-
                                                                ally injected, but insufflation (snorting) and smoking are
             niques include TLC and GC/MS. In one study, over-the-
                                                                becoming more popular. Heroin is also available as a
             counter drug testing kits for urine were successful in bar-
                                                                black sticky substance termed “black tar heroin,” which is
             biturate detection in canine urine, though these kits are
                                                                dissolved, diluted, and injected.
             not always reliable (Teitler, 2009).
                                                                  Oxycodone, sold as OxyContin, Percocet, and in a
                                                                generic form, is commonly used recreationally. A recent
                                                                survey found that 9% of US high-school seniors had used
                                                                prescription opioids recreationally (Latimer and Zur,
             Opium is produced from Papaver somniferum, a poppy,  2010). Pills are time-released but may be crushed and
             and its use was recorded in the Ebers Papyrus, one of the  insufflated or injected in solution. Hydrocodone, sold
             oldest known medical texts, dated around 1500 BC.  under various trade names and in formulations with acet-
             The unripe seed capsule is incised after the petals have  aminophen (Vicodin) is also commonly sold on the illegal
             fallen. Material that exudes from the capsule is dried,  drug market. Fentanyl can be produced in clandestine lab-
             collected, and dried further to produce opium. Powdered  oratories and is used intravenously.
             opium is 75% inert ingredients, about 10% morphine,  Desomorphine is a synthetic morphine derivative that
             which is the major active alkaloid, 0.5% codeine, and  is easily manufactured and considered 10 times as potent
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