Page 420 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 420

Toxicity of Drugs of Abuse Chapter | 22  387  TABLE 22.1 DEA Drug Schedules                                               Examples

               Schedule I   1. High potential for abuse                                    Heroin
                            2. No accepted medical use in United States                    LSD
                            3. Lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision   Marijuana
               Schedule II  1. High potential for abuse                                    Amphetamine
                            2. Currently accepted medical uses; may have restrictions      Cocaine
                            3. Severe physical or psychological dependence potential with abuse  Methamphetamine
               Schedule III  1. Less potential for abuse than Schedule I or II drugs       Ketamine
                            2. Currently accepted medical uses                             Testosterone
                            3. Moderate or low potential for physical or psychological dependence with abuse  Thiopental
               Schedule IV  1. Low potential for abuse relative to Schedule III            Butorphanol
                            2. Currently accepted medical use                              Diazepam
                            3. Limited physical or psychological dependence potential with abuse  Midazolam
               Schedule V   1. Low potential for abuse compared to Schedule IV             Low-dose codeine
                            2. Currently accepted medical use                              Low-dose opium
                            3. Limited potential for physical or psychological dependence with abuse compared  Pregablin
                            to Schedule IV

             for the drugs that bind to them, including opioid receptors  2004; Volmer, 2005). Sinsemilla, Spanish for “without
             and cannabinoid receptors.                         seeds,” accounts for approximately 85% of US marijuana
                                                                production because of the absence of seeds and the very
                                                                high content of the active ingredient. Hashish is a dried
                                                                and compressed resin made from the C. sativa and is
             Cannabis sativa has been used for over 4000 years for its  often formed into balls, sheets, and cakes to be used for
             psychotropic effects (Di Marzo and De Petrocellis, 2006).  smoking. Hashish oil, even more concentrated, may be
             Surveys of US students found that approximately 33%   mixed with tobacco or marijuana and smoked.
             37% had used marijuana by the last year of high school  Cannabinoids are a variety of related compounds found
             and 11% had used it in eighth grade (Eaton et al., 2010;  in C. sativa. More than 60 are known, the most important
             Latimer and Zur, 2010). Common names include mari-  being Δ -tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is a lipid solu-
             juana, hemp or Indian hemp, pot, ganja, dagga, hashish,  ble monoterpene present in all parts of the plant, with the
             and kief (Burrows and Tyrl, 2001). The crude product,  highest concentrations in the flowers and leaves (Ashton,
             usually called marijuana in the United States, is produced  2001; Burrows and Tyrl, 2001). The THC content of mari-
             from dried chopped leaves and the female inflorescences  juana can range from 0.4% to 20% (Fitzgerald et al.,
             (Kisseberth and Trammel, 1990; Frohne and Pfa ¨nder,  2013). Common cultivars grown in 1974 contained
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