Page 438 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 438

Toxicity of Drugs of Abuse Chapter | 22  405  Nonhuman primates have increased heart and respiratory  boiled into a soup for ingestion. Peyote grows in the
                                                                southwestern United States and Mexico and is used
             rates, hypertension, and tonic-clonic seizures (Christie
                                                                legally by indigenous people. A tuberous root grows into
             et al., 2013).
                                                                the ground and is capped by crowns or “buttons” which
             Treatment                                          are removed. The buttons may contain 1.5% mescaline on
                                                                a dry matter basis. Buttons can be eaten fresh but are
             Prognosis for an animal overdosed with phencyclidine or
                                                                often dried. Dried buttons are chewed, powdered, recon-
             ketamine is generally good with early intervention, but
                                                                stituted, or steeped into a tea. Pickled buttons have caused
             self-induced trauma and rhabdomyolysis are possible
                                                                botulism (Halpern, 2004). Though traditional uses are per-
             complications. Cats that have undergone ketamine anes-
                                                                mitted, mescaline is a Schedule I drug.
             thesia usually recover rapidly and are able to sit up within
                                                                  Mescaline is well absorbed by oral and parenteral
             2h (Branson, 2001). Dogs injected with low doses of
                                                                routes in the dog, with maximum plasma concentrations
             phencyclidine (1 mg/kg IM) recovered almost completely
                                                                detected within an hour of ingestion. Mescaline concen-
             in a little over an hour, and at higher doses (5 mg/kg)
                                                                trations detected in the brain reflect blood concentrations.
             were able to sit up within 2 h (Ortega, 1967).
                                                                Renal, hepatic, and splenic concentrations are three to six
                Treatment of phencyclidine or ketamine overdose is
                                                                times blood concentrations. Mescaline can be detected in
             generally symptomatic and supportive. Animals must be
                                                                the urine within 30 min of exposure and remains
             kept in a dark, quiet room and restraint is to be avoided.
                                                                detectable for up to 24 h. Between 28% and 46% of a
                Inducing emesis is of limited use because of the rapid
                                                                given dose is excreted unchanged in the urine (Cochin
             absorption of phencyclidine, but may be attempted in
                                                                et al., 1950). The mescaline molecule is structurally simi-
             very recent ingestions of large doses if no contraindica-
                                                                lar to serotonin and acts on the 5-HT 2A receptor (Nichols,
             tions exist (Kisseberth and Trammel, 1990). Activated
             charcoal binds phencyclidine, prevents recycling, and is
                                                                  Clinical signs of mescaline intoxication in dogs
             reported to reduce mortality in dogs and rats. Repeated
                                                                include vomiting, mydriasis, injection of the conjunctiva,
             dosing of activated charcoal is recommended because of
                                                                hyperreflexia, chewing motions of the jaw, excitation and
             enterohepatic cycling. Forced diuresis with mannitol or
                                                                disorientation, or sometimes profound depression. Dogs
             furosemide will increase the rate of clearance. Urinary
                                                                are reported to recover from severe depression within
             acidification enhances excretion but is contraindicated in
                                                                10 h (Cochin et al., 1950). Symptoms in humans are fairly
             the presence of acidosis or rhabdomyolysis. Electrolyte
                                                                similar and may include emesis, especially after ingestion
             abnormalities and hypoglycemia should be corrected as
                                                                of Echinopsis spp. (Halpern, 2004). Other symptoms that
                                                                have been reported are mydriasis, sweating, hallucina-
                Cardiorespiratory abnormalities have been reported in
                                                                tions,  synesthesia,  disorientation,  incoordination,
             some species. Muscle rigidity, hyperactivity, and seizures
                                                                increased heart rate and blood pressure, and hyperthermia.
             associated with ketamine have been treated successfully
             with diazepam. Severe seizures require barbiturates or
             general anesthesia. The body temperature of the patient  Salvia divinorum
             must be closely monitored.
                                                                S. divinorum, known as salvia, is a perennial sage closely
                                                                related to mint. The plant is native to Mexico and grows
             Other Compounds                                    in humid, semitropical climates. It is cultivated in
                                                                California and Hawaii (Anonymous, 2011). The plant is
             Mescaline, the active compound in peyote, is a well-
                                                                of cultural significance to the Mazatec Indians of Oaxaca,
             studied hallucinogen because of its significance both cul-
                                                                Mexico, where it is used to treat diarrhea, headaches,
             turally and in the illicit drug trade. Salvinorin-A is an
                                                                rheumatism, and semimagical diseases (Prisinzano, 2005).
             agent with hallucinogenic potential that is found in the
                                                                These indigenous Mexicans either chew the fresh leaves
             legal herb S. divinorum.
                                                                or extract the juice. Salvia is also smoked (Frohne and
                                                                Pfa ¨nder, 2005; Prisinzano, 2005). Salvia is a controlled
             Mescaline                                          substance in parts of Europe and the United States.
             Use of mescaline (3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine) dates  Salvia contains various diterpenes, including salvinor-
             back to approximately 8500 BC (Bruhn et al., 2002). It is  ins A through F and divinatorins A through C. Similar
             derived from several species of cactus including   compounds are present in plants of the genus Coleus.
             Lophophora williamsii, the peyote Echinopsis pachanoi,  Biological  effects  are  attributed  to  salvinorin-A.
             the San Pedro cactus, and E. peruvianus, the Peruvian  Salvinorin-A is absorbed through the oral mucosa
             torch cactus. The latter two cacti are native to South  (Halpern, 2004). Little is known about the metabolism of
             America and are common ornamental plants. Both can be  this compound, but the elimination half-life in nonhuman
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