Page 444 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 444  Chapter 23


             Tam Garland

             INTRODUCTION                                       metal, the particle size, the purity, the solubility, the spe-
                                                                cies affected, and the physical condition of the animal
             Arsenic is a ubiquitous element with several different
                                                                exposed. Susceptibility to inorganic arsenicals varies
             forms. The toxicity of arsenic is determined by its form
                                                                among species and is highest in humans, followed by
             (Vahter, 1983). The prevalent valences are the 13 and the
                                                                dogs, rats, and mice (Harrison et al., 1958; Hays, 1982).
              15 form. Arsenic is found in both an organic form and
                                                                Clearly there are many variables affecting the absorption
             an inorganic form with valence numbers ranging from  and toxicity of this metal, which increases the difficulty
              13to 15. As , or arsenite, is more toxic than arsenate,  of making accurate predictions of lethal amounts.
             or As .
                                                                  Pentavalent  organic  arsenicals  are  more  easily
                It is found as different ores and rocks, which are
                                                                absorbed than are the trivalent arsenicals, especially
             mined, then smelted resulting in elemental arsenic and
                                                                through the GI tract. Small amounts of either form may
             arsenic trioxide. In the environment, arsenic usually exists
                                                                be absorbed via the intact skin, but it usually remains
             in the pentavalent form and soil microorganisms may
                                                                locally within the skin. However, absorption is limited by
             methylate it. Since it is ubiquitous in many forms, com-
                                                                the size of the arsenical particle size. If the particle size is
             plete avoidance is nearly impossible.
                                                                too large, it is not absorbed. Hence, a more toxic arsenical
                Arsenic’s sources and uses have a long and varied his-
                                                                that is not absorbed because of large particle size may
             tory. A partial list is available in Table 23.1.
                                                                effectively be less toxic.
                                                                  Once arsenicals are absorbed, the distribution is through
             BACKGROUND                                         the blood to all the organs of the body. Arsenic accumu-
                                                                lates in the liver and is slowly distributed to the other tis-
             The ubiquitous element arsenic (As) is a nonmetal or met-  sues. The spleen, kidneys, and lungs are able to accumulate
             alloid in group V of the period chart. Frequently it is  large amounts of arsenic. Arsenic has been shown to cross
             referred to as arsenic metal and is classified for many tox-  into the placental barrier, particularly in monkeys, ham-
             icological purposes as a metal. It exists in several forms  sters, and gerbils (Flora and Agrawal, 2017). Chronic doses
             with a long history of various uses. It has been used in  are stored in the bone, the skin, and other keratinized tis-
             preparations from insecticides, wood preservatives, herbi-  sues, such as skin, hair, hooves, and nails (Agency for
             cides, and medicinal uses. It is responsible for many poi-  Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 2007).
             sonings in people and animals, both large and small.  The biotransformation of the arsenicals is poorly
                                                                understood. There is some conversion from the 15 state
                                                                to the 13 state, but the redox equilibrium favors the 13.
                                                                  Methylation occurs by microorganism in the soil, but
             Different toxic disease syndromes are caused by the dif-  inorganic arsenicals are also methylated in vivo. The
             ferent forms of arsenic. Inorganic arsenicals and trivalent  in vivo process may aid in the detoxification process. The
             organics cause disease syndromes characterized by an  kidneys may reduce a small amount of pentavalent arsenic
             effect on the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and the capillaries.  to the more toxic trivalent form.
             In extremely low doses, it is possible the body will  Arsenicals are excreted through many processes. In
             develop a tolerance to the arsenic. Pentavalent organic  most species, between 40% and 70% of the absorbed
             arsenicals produce a neurological syndrome.        amount of pentavalent arsenicals are excreted through the
                There are many factors influencing the absorption of  urine within 48 h (Vahter, 1983), while smaller quantities
             arsenicals. Among those variables are the form of the  may be excreted through the sweat. Trivalent forms of

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