Page 451 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 451

418 SECTION | V Metals and Micronutrients  increased fecal excretion and kidney accumulation of cad-  or oral administration of cadmium chloride. The nonlac-
                                                                tating ewes exhibited a low cadmium bioavailability
             mium (Reddy et al., 1985), there were no adverse health
                                                                (0.12% 0.22%), a large steady-state volume of distribu-
             effects noted in these cattle (Dorn et al., 1985). Similarly,
             when corn silage or corn that was grown on sewage  tion (23.8 6 5.4 L/kg), and a low blood clearance (0.20 6
             sludge fertilized fields were fed to sheep or pigs,  0.03 L/kg/day) with a mean residence time of 113 6 28
             respectively, significant increases in kidney cadmium  days. The lactating ewes had a higher bioavailability
             concentrations were measured, but no other adverse  (0.33% 1.7%), and the mean residence time was close to
             treatment-related effects were noted (Lisk et al., 1982;  that of the nonlactating ewes, despite a greater blood
             Telford et al., 1982). Although cadmium is of concern in  clearance (0.46 6 0.013 L/kg/day), because the volume of
             the environment, and cattle grazing on cadmium-    distribution of cadmium in the body was larger. The cad-
             contaminated pastures have increased tissue concentra-  mium clearance in milk remained low in the lactating
             tions of cadmium, two additional studies conclude that  ewes (Houpert et al., 1997).
             accumulation of cadmium in the liver and kidneys of  In the body, cadmium is excreted very slowly, with
             cattle may be a moderately effective screen for the entry  daily losses of approximately 0.009% via the urine and
             of cadmium into the human food chain, as long as liver  0.007% in the feces via the bile. Cadmium protein com-
             and especially kidneys are not consumed (Sharma and  plexes are excreted in the kidneys and then resorbed from
             Street, 1980; Johnson et al., 1981). It has been reported  the filtrate in the proximal tubules. This area of the renal
             that regardless of the concentrations of cadmium fed to  cortex accumulates cadmium, and is susceptible to damage
             livestock, the amount in meat, milk, and eggs is always  and necrosis. Depending on the species, the biological half-
             lower than that in the diet that the animal was eating.  life of cadmium can vary from months to years, which
             Thus, foods derived from those products decrease human  results in cadmium accumulating in animals as they age
             exposure (Klasing, 2005). This is fortunate, as chronic  (Klasing, 2005). For example, several studies have docu-
             cadmium poisoning has been documented in humans. In  mented age-related increases in cadmium in the kidneys of
             these cases, it has been associated with osteoporosis, renal  horses (Elinder et al., 1981a; Anke et al., 1989).
             lesions, tissue mineral imbalances, and death. In addition,  In mammals and birds, cadmium accumulates in the
             the Department of Health and Human Services has deter-  liver and kidneys at concentrations of 0.1 2.0 and
             mined that cadmium and cadmium compounds may be    1 10 mg/kg wet weight, respectively. It has been discov-
             reasonably anticipated to be carcinogens.          ered that animals with long life spans, such as horses, can
                                                                accumulate large amounts of cadmium in their organs,
                                                                particularly in their kidneys. In samples of renal cortex
                                                                from old horses, concentrations of up to 200 mg/kg have
             In animals, cadmium exposure is primarily through oral  been reported (Elinder, 1992).
             ingestion. Compared to other divalent cations such as zinc
             and iron, intestinal absorption of cadmium is relatively  MECHANISM OF ACTION
             low, ranging from approximately 1% 5% in most spe-
             cies, with up to as much as 16% in cattle, dependent on  Experimentally, acute exposure to high doses of inorganic
             the dose (Klasing, 2005). Interestingly, cadmium bound  cadmium leads to its accumulation in many organs, elicit-
             to metallothionein in foods of animal origin is absorbed  ing liver and, in some cases, testicular damage (Dixit et al.,
             less efficiently than cadmium salts; therefore, it may be  1975; Habeebu et al., 1998; Klasing, 2005). Once inside
             less available for uptake (Groten et al., 1990). After  the cell, free cadmium binds to protein sulfhydryl groups,
             absorption, cadmium is transported in the plasma bound  disrupting the cellular redox cycle, depleting glutathione,
             to albumin and, in lesser amounts, other serum proteins. It  and eliciting intracellular oxidant damage. In addition, its
             distributes throughout the body, with the highest concen-  similarity to other divalent cations such as calcium inter-
             trations in the liver and kidneys, which account for  feres with their normal functioning (Klasing, 2005).
             approximately one-half of the total cadmium in the body.  Cadmium ions can displace zinc and other divalent metals
             Muscle and bone do not accumulate high concentrations  from their binding sites on metalloproteins. For example,
             of cadmium. Blood cadmium concentrations are indica-  in the testis, cadmium can interfere with zinc proteins,
             tors of recent exposure, while urine cadmium is a better  leading to widespread apoptosis and necrosis (Marettova
             indicator of the body burden. Cadmium is not transported  et al., 2015; Xu et al., 1999). In the liver, acute cadmium
             well into milk or eggs, or across the placental barrier  toxicity results in widespread hepatocyte apoptosis, fol-
             (Klasing, 2005). In pregnant and lactating livestock, the  lowed by varying degrees of necrosis, depending on the
             toxicokinetics of cadmium have been compared. In   dose (Habeebu et al., 1998). This is related, in part, to the
             this study, the kinetics of cadmium were measured in lac-  effects of resident liver macrophages (Kupffer cells) to
             tating versus nonlactating ewes after a single intravenous  potentiate and increase the initial liver damage caused by
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