Page 502 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 502  Chapter 33


             Jeffery O. Hall

             INTRODUCTION                                       in humans when added dietary selenium prevented a
                                                                cardiomyopathy known as “Keshan disease” (Chen,
             Selenium is an essential nutrient that has a relatively
                                                                1986). Selenium supplementation may also be protective
             narrow window between ingested amounts that result in
                                                                against certain types of cancer (Combs, 1997), cardiovas-
             deficiencies and those that cause toxicoses. Historically,
                                                                cular disease (Duthie et al., 1989) and viral infections
             occurrences of livestock disease that mimic clinical pre-
                                                                (Schrauzer, 1994; Levander, 2000). Because of the essen-
             sentation of chronic selenium poisoning were recorded in
                                                                tial nature of selenium, poisoning cases from both natural
             the 13th century (Martin, 1973). Marco Polo wrote of  plant accumulations of selenium and nutritional overdoses
             such cases in western China in 1295. In 1560, Father
                                                                are encountered.
             Simon Pedro described human cases of presumably
                                                                  The identified essential functions of selenium are still
             chronic selenosis in Columbia (Benavides and Mojica,
                                                                increasing. The most notable is GSH, where selenocys-
             1965). The first documented record of selenium poisoning
                                                                teine is a required component of the enzyme system
             in livestock was reported in 1860 by a US Army surgeon
                                                                (Brown and Arthur, 2001). Reduced GSH is the primary
             (Martin, 1973). T.W. Madison described a fatal disease of
                                                                physiologic first defense against free radical damage to
             horses that grazed near Fort Randall, South Dakota. It
                                                                tissues, helping to maintain functional membrane integ-
             also has been speculated that the horse illness that slowed
                                                                rity. Several subclasses of GSH are now recognized
             General Custer’s Cavalry relief may have been due to
                                                                (Cohen and Avissar, 1994; Sunde, 1994). To date, more
             selenium, but chronic selenosis generally takes weeks to
                                                                than 30 selenoproteins have been identified, many of
                                                                which have vital enzymatic functions (Tiwary, 2004).
                Selenium deficiency had been historically linked to a
                                                                Thioredoxin reductase I, II, and III (Brown and Arthur,
             variety of clinical effects. Since 1949, vitamin E, cysteine  0
                                                                2001), 5 triiodothyronine deiodinase (Arthur and Beckett,
             and a “factor 3” were known to protect rats from fatal liver
                                                                1994) and “selenoprotein” are also selenium dependent.
             necrosis (Schwarz and Foltz, 1957). When rats were fed
                                                                In addition, selenium plays several roles in normal
             torula, a brewer’s yeast, they developed liver necrosis that
                                                                immune function, reproductive function, hepatic biotrans-
             could be avoided by use of baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces
                                                                formation reactions, neurotransmitter turnover, and anti-
             sp.). It was postulated that “factor 3,” an essential nutrient,
                                                                carcinogenic functions.
             was deficient in torula. After much research, the active,
             preventive element present in “factor 3” was identified as
             selenium. Several metabolic diseases of previously  BACKGROUND
             unknown origin were later found to relate to selenium defi-
             ciency, including “white muscle disease” in calves and  Selenium is a member of the nonmetallic elements within
             lambs (Muth et al., 1958; Godwin and Fraser, 1966),  group VIa of the periodic table. It has an atomic number
             hepatosis dietetica in pigs (Eggert et al., 1957), exudative  of 34, an atomic weight of 78.96, and has six different
             diathesis in poultry (Patterson et al., 1957), and pancreatic  naturally occurring stable isotopic masses from 74 to 82
             degeneration in poultry (Thompson and Scott, 1969).  (Rosman and Taylor, 1997). Selenium has four natural
                Since its first discovery as an essential nutrient, sele-  oxidation states: 22 (selenides), 0 (elemental), 14 (sele-
             nium has been found to act in numerous body systems. In  nites), and 16 (selenates) (Barceloux, 1999). Selenium
             1973, Se was identified as an essential component of glu-  was first identified in 1817 by Jons Jakob Berzelius, a
             tathione peroxidase (GSH) enzyme (Flohe et al., 1973;  Swedish chemist, who investigated worker illnesses in a
             Rotruck et al., 1973). Selenium was shown to be essential  sulfuric acid plant at Gripsholm, Sweden (Fredga, 1972).
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