Page 505 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 505

472 SECTION | V Metals and Micronutrients  Due to nonspecific protein incorporation of selenomethio-  (Hoffman, 2002; Kaur et al., 2003; Balogh et al., 2004).
                                                                A third theory is the incorporation of selenium com-
             nine, urinary and fecal recovery after dosing was less than
                                                                pounds in place of sulfur, such as in proteins, in which it
             30% of that for equal selenium doses from selenite or sel-
             enate (Thomson, 1998).                             disrupts normal cellular functions (Raisbeck, 2000). This
                The literature suggests that the predominant selenium  is an especially likely mechanism for the hair and hoof
             elimination in ruminants is fecal when ingested, but uri-  lesions of chronic selenium poisoning, with the loss of
             nary with parenteral administration or in nonruminating  disulfide bridges that provide structural integrity to these
             young animals. This is actually an error in terminology,  tissues. This would also apply to inhibition of DNA
             as the fecal loss of selenium is primarily in the form of  methylation by S-adenosylmethionine or indirect inhibi-
             elemental selenium and precipitated selenides from rumi-  tion by increased S-adenosyl homocysteine content
             nal reduction (Langlands et al., 1986). Thus, this selenium  (Hoffman, 1977). And, it is possible that each of these
             is nonabsorbed material and is not truly being eliminated  proposed mechanisms is valid with respect to specific
             from the central compartment. However, a small amount  chemical forms of selenium. It has been observed that
             of metabolized selenium excesses is excreted in the bile  tissues  requiring  selenium  to  prevent  deficiency-
             (Cousins and Cairney, 1961). The selenium metabolites  associated disease (immune system, reproductive organs
             eliminated in the urine follow a similar pattern to that  and muscular tissues) also tend to accumulate more sele-
             seen with monogastrics. Urinary elimination is predomi-  nium with excess exposure and are the primary tissues
             nant with parenteral administrations and in nonruminating  of toxic effects.
             young animals (NRC, 1983).
                Renal selenium elimination is dependent of glomerular  TOXICITY
             filtration and degree of reabsorption. Increasing renal
             fluid absorption did not increase the selenium content in  Selenium poisoning cases generally fall into three types
             urine, indicating a tubular reabsorptive process (Oster and  of exposure history. The first is from ingestion of sele-
             Prellwitz, 1990). Thus, dehydration or renal insufficiency  nium in plants that have accumulated it from naturally
             would decrease rates of elimination. Excretion and renal  seleniferous soils. The second is from accidental over-
             clearance rates correlate with creatinine, indicating glo-  doses by injection or errors in feed mixing. And the third
             merular filtration is the mechanism of elimination.  is from environmental contamination, which often results
                Some selenium is eliminated via respired air, but the  in exposure from plant accumulation and/or contaminated
             relative importance of this route is dose dependent. At nor-  waters. With each of these types of poisonings, one may
             mal intake, only about 10% or less is eliminated from the  see acute, subacute or chronic selenium poisoning,
             respiratory tract (Burk et al., 1972), but as dose increases  depending upon the daily exposure rate. However, one
             the percent eliminated in respired air increases (Jacobsson,  must understand that an animal’s age plays a role in sus-
             1966; McConnell and Roth, 1966). Dimethylselenide and  ceptibility to selenium poisoning, as young animals are
             dimethyldiselenide are the predominant forms eliminated  less tolerant than adults (Raisbeck, 2000).
             in respired air at toxic doses. Dimethylselenide predomi-  Doses for acute selenium toxicosis vary significantly
             nates when mice were dosed with selenite or selenocys-  across species, but also by route of exposure, with
             teine, while dimethyldiselenide is most abundant when rats  injectable routes of exposure being more toxic than oral.
             were dosed with selenomethionine. Respiratory elimination  Acute oral selenium poisoning occurs with sudden expo-
             is primary when renal elimination thresholds are maxi-  sure ranging from 2.2 mg/kg (Rosenfeld and Beath, 1964)
             mized, which results in most respiratory elimination occur-  to greater than 20 mg/kg body weight (Miller and
             ring in a short-time period soon after exposure to toxic  Williams, 1940; Mahan and Moxon, 1984) across species.
             doses (McConnell and Roth, 1966; Tiwary et al., 2005).  The relative oral acute toxicity of selenium-containing
                                                                compounds is dependent on their solubility, with poorly
                                                                soluble selenides and elemental selenium being much less
                                                                toxic than soluble selenates, selenites and organic sele-
             Although much research has been conducted with regard  nium (NRC, 2005). Minimum lethal dose for rabbits, rats,
             to selenium poisoning, the exact mechanism of the toxic  dogs and cats is 1.5 3 mg/kg body weight (NRC, 1983).
             effects in the body are still not clear. With acute poison-  The LD 50 for oral selenite has been estimated to be
             ing, one theory is the depletion of intermediate substrates,  1.9 8.3 mg/kg body weight in ruminants (Grace, 1994),
             such as glutathione and S-adenosylmethionine, which dis-  but other references suggest it to be 9 20 mg/kg body
             turbs their respective enzyme activities (Vernie et al.,  weight (Puls, 1994). In poultry, the acute oral LD 50
             1978). Another potentially interactive theory is the  of selenium is 33 mg/kg body weight. Injectable selenium
             production of free radicals by the reaction of selenium  is more acutely toxic than oral, with intramuscular
             with thiols, causing subsequent oxidative tissue damage  LD 50 of 0.5 mg/kg in lambs (Caravaggi et al., 1970).
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