Page 567 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 567

534 SECTION | VI Insecticides          N        N    CI        F                or a single high dose than with a single low dose. The
                                                                long half-life (183 h in male and 245 h in female) of fipro-
                                                                nil in blood may reflect slow release of metabolites from
                       O         N                 F            fat (Woodward, 2012). The compounds identified in feces
                          S                    F                and urine are the parent compound and sulfone, the amide
                                 NH 2  CI                       derived from the nitrile group and a cleavage product of
                       F     F
                                                                sulfone and its derivatives formed by further metabolism.
                          F                                     Sulfone is the major metabolite in fat and tissues. In
                                                                essence, fipronil can be metabolized through three major
             FIGURE 42.1 Chemical structure of fipronil.
                                                                pathways. Fipronil can be metabolized to fipronil sulfone
                                                                by oxidation at the sulfinyl moiety, to fipronil sulfide by
                                                                reduction at the sulfinyl moiety, and to fipronil amide by
                                                                hydrolysis of the cyano moiety (Wang et al., 2016).
                                                                  In another pharmacokinetics study, rats received either
                                                                a single oral dose of a labeled compound ( C-fipronil-
                                                                desulfinyl) at 1 or 10 mg/kg body wt or daily oral doses
                                                                of unlabeled compound at 1 mg/kg body wt/day for
               PPM values 500                                   14 days, followed by a single oral labeled dose. In
                                                                animals of both sexes, elimination of the radiolabeled
                                                                dose) than in the urine with all dosing regimens.
                300                                             fipronil was much greater in the feces (46% 70% of the
                                                                Appreciable metabolic products were found in the tissues
                200                                             1 week after treatment with the highest concentrations
                                                                being present in the fat and fatty tissues. The long half-
                                                                life in blood was 183 195 h and fat: plasma ratio of the
                                                                radiolabel compound was increased. Numerous metabo-
                     Day 0 Day 1 Day 8 Day 15 Day 22 Day 29 Day 36  lites or conjugates of fipronil desulfinyl were present in
                           Day after Frontline  application     the urine and feces. Only unchanged fipronil desulfinyl
                                                                was identified in the liver, fat, skin and body. There was
             FIGURE 42.2 Transferable residue of fipronil from the dog coat after  no appreciable difference between male and female rats
             a single application of Frontline Spot-On.
                                                                in the absorption, distribution, metabolism or excretion of
                                                                fipronil after oral administration. Fipronil is degraded by
             in long-lasting residual activity against fleas and ticks.  sunlight to produce a variety of metabolites, one of which
             Residue of fipronil lasts on a dog’s hair coat for about  is fipronil desulfinyl. This metabolite is extremely stable,
             1 month. The maximum concentration of fipronil on the  bioaccumulates in the fatty tissues and is more toxic than
             canine hair coat is found 24 h after a single application of  the parent compound in insects (EPA, 1998). Information
             Frontline Top Spot (Jennings et al., 2002) or Parastar Plus  on other metabolites of fipronil in living and nonliving
             (Case et al., 2016), and 72 h after Certifect (Nichols et al.,  systems can be found elsewhere (Feung and Yenne,
             2014). With a descending concentration trend, fipronil  1997; Aajoud et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2016). This
             residue can be detected on a dog’s hair coat for a period  photoproduct exerts high neurotoxicity by blocking the
             of up to 29 days (Fig. 42.2). Although fipronil binds to  GABA A -regulated chloride channels. Fipronil has a greater
             the lipids of the skin cells and hair follicles, the transfer-  specificity for the GABA A receptor (β3 subunit) found in
             able residue can be detected up to a month after applica-  insects than mammalian GABA A receptors. Fortunately,
             tion. Studies have revealed that in rats, fipronil is  this metabolite is not formed in mammals. However, it
             excreted mainly in the feces (45% 75%) and small   does have a high affinity towards the insect’s GABA sys-
             amounts in the urine (5% 25%).                     tem, thereby contributing to fipronil’s selective toxicity
                In rats, after oral administration of fipronil, maximum  toward insects (Narahashi et al., 2007, 2010).
             blood concentrations are achieved after approximately  It is known that fipronil is an effective inducer of
             6 h. Once absorbed, fipronil is rapidly metabolized, and  CYP450 isoforms (Roques et al., 2012; Wang et al.,
             then the biotransformation products are widely distributed  2016). Fipronil can inhibit testosterone metabolism by
             in tissues. Significant amounts of metabolites can persist  CYP3A4. Since fipronil is a hepatotoxicant at doses
             in the tissues, particularly in fat and fatty tissues, for  somewhat above those required for induction, the
             1 week after treatment. The metabolite concentrations in  decrease may represent one of the initial toxic effects,
             fat and other tissues are greater with repeated low doses  with CYP3A4 induction being more sensitive than
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