Page 572 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 572  Chapter 43

             Macrocyclic Lactone Endectocides

             Sharon M. Gwaltney-Brant, Camille DeClementi and Ramesh C. Gupta

             INTRODUCTION                                       popular because of their efficacy and wide margin of
                                                                safety. Ivermectin/abamectin is a mixture of two homologs,
             Macrocyclic lactones (MLs) consist of several com-
                                                                i.e., not less than 80% of 22,23-dihydroavermectin B 1a and
             pounds (doramectin, eprinomectin, ivermectin, milbemy-
                                                                not more than 20% of 22,23-dihydroavermectin B 1b .The
             cin, moxidectin, and selamectin) that are commonly used
                                                                B 1a and B 1b components differ from each other by a single
             as insecticides, acaricides, and nematicides in various
                                                                methylene group, have very similar biological and toxico-
             animal species. Chemical structures of these MLs are
                                                                logical properties, and can, for all practical purposes, be
             shown in Figs. 43.1 43.6. Ivermectin, a semisynthetic  considered equipotent (Campbell, 1989). The mixture is
             ML, was the first to be obtained from Streptomyces
                                                                sold commercially as abamectin. It is a drug of choice
             avermitilis. Ivermectin/abamectin is a mixture of
                                                                because of its broad spectrum nematicidal, insecticidal, and
             two homologs, ivermectin B 1a and ivermectin B 1b
                                                                acaricidal properties, and it has been approved for prophy-
             (Fig. 43.1). It was introduced to the market in 1981 as a
                                                                lactic use against heartworm (D. immitis) infection in dogs.
             potent antiparasitic animal health drug. It has been found
                                                                  Ivermectin is utilized at relatively low dosages. It is
             to be effective against virtually all external and internal
                                                                effective against a wide range of helminths in sheep and
             parasites thus far tested, except for trematodes and ces-
                                                                cattle in a single oral or parenteral dose of 0.1 mg/kg body
             todes. Ivermectin is approved at a very low dosage for
                                                                weight (Egerton et al., 1979). Ivermectin is approved for
             the control of parasites in many animal species (cattle,
                                                                use in sheep, goats, swine, beef cattle, horses, and reindeer
             sheep, swine, horse, cat, and dog), but in many countries
                                                                at dosages ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 mg/kg orally, topically,
             it is not approved for use in lactating cows, sheep, and
                                                                or subcutaneously (Bimectin, Duocare, Ecomectin, Equell,
             goats. In agriculture, ivermectin is used for its miticidal,
                                                                Eqvalan, Iver-On, Iversol, Ivomec, Noromectin, Primectin,
             insecticidal, and acaricidal activities.
                                                                Privermectin, Phoenectin, SparMectin-E, Ziimecterin).
                Although ML poisoning has been reported in many
                                                                The tolerances for American bison, beef cattle, reindeer,
             animal species due to inadvertent overdose or misuse
                                                                swine, and sheep are 15, 15, 15, 20 and 30 ppb of dihy-
             (Godber et al., 1995; Haldrick et al., 1995), a major con-
                                                                droavermecin B 1a , respectively, for liver, and 20 ppb
             cern of ML toxicosis is in individuals of certain dog
                                                                (swine) and 650 ppb (cattle) for muscle (CFR, 1998).
             breeds, such as collies (Paul et al., 1987), which are very
                                                                Ivermectin is not approved for lactating animals whose
             sensitive to this class of drug due to genetic defects in the
                                                                milk will enter the food chain. Ivermectin is approved for
             blood brain barrier (BBB). To date, over 11 dog breeds
                                                                use in ranch-raised foxes at a dosage of 0.2 mg/kg subcu-
             (Houston et al., 1987; Geyer et al., 2007; Mosher and
                                                                taneously for control of ear mites (Ivomec). Ivermectin is
             Court, 2010), Murray Grey cattle (Seaman et al., 1987),
                                                                approved in cats as a heartworm preventative, and for con-
             and young animals have also been reported to be more
                                                                trol of internal helminths at a monthly dosage of 24 μg/kg
             sensitive to ML toxicosis. This chapter describes the toxic-
                                                                (Heartgard), and as an otic preparation to control ear mites
             ity of ML endectocides in animals.
                                                                (Acarexx). In dogs, ivermectin is approved for prevention
                                                                of heartworms, and control of internal helminths at an oral
                                                                dosage of 6 μg/kg (Heartgard, Advantage, Iverhart, Tri-
             BACKGROUND                                         Heart).
                                                                  Selamectin, a novel semisynthetic avermectin, is mar-
             Currently, there are many MLs available on the market
                                                                keted as Revolution (Pfizer). Revolution is a topical anti-
             for their wide applications as insecticides, nematicides,
                                                                parasitic preparation recommended for use in dogs and
             and acaricides. Ivermectin and its derivatives are most
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