Page 576 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 576

Macrocyclic Lactone Endectocides Chapter | 43  543                              Blood                                 FIGURE 43.7 Cartoon of normal p-glyco-
                                                                                 protein function within the blood brain barrier
                                                                                 (BBB). P-glycoprotein is a transmembrane
                                                                                 pump (gray trapezoids) located on the apical
                                                                                 (blood-facing) side of endothelial cells that
                                                                            T.J.  form the BBB. These endothelial cells are
                                                                                 joined through tight junctions (T.J.) that pre-
                                                                                 vent diffusion of substances between the cells.
                                                                                 (1) P-glycoprotein substrates (diamonds) dif-
                                                                                 fuse into and out of the endothelial cells
                                                                                 through the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane.
                                                                                 (2) Substrates within the cell or cell membrane
                                        ATP     ADP                              are taken up by the p-glycoprotein molecule,
                                                 +                               an active process requiring ATP for energy.
                                                 P i                             (3) Once taken up by the p-glycoprotein, sub-
                                                                                 strates are ejected back into the bloodstream.
                              1              2                 3
                                                                                 Defects in p-glycoprotein structure and/or
                                                                                 function can result in increased concentrations
                                                                                 of substrates within the endothelial cell, and
                                                                                 egress of substrates out the basal side of the
                                                                                 cell into the brain. Please see color plate

                                                                suggesting that more than one genotypic abnormality may
               TABLE 43.1 Dog Breeds in Which ABCB1 Mutations   result in a similar phenotypic expression.
               Have Been Identified                               Although MLs undergo some metabolism, the majority
                                                                are excreted unchanged in the feces via the bile. This
               Australian shepherd
               Border collie                                    excretion into the intestine results in reabsorption and
               Collie                                           enterohepatic recycling of up to 20% of the total dose of
               English shepherd                                 ML administered (Lanusse et al., 2009). The fact that par-
               German shepherd                                  enterally administered ML ultimately ends up being
               Longhaired whippet                               secreted into the bile and thereby enters the intestinal tract
               Old English sheepdog                             to undergo some degree of enterohepatic recycling largely
               Shetland sheepdog                                explains the efficacy of injected MLs against intestinal
               Silken windhound                                 parasites. Up to 95% of an ML dose is excreted
               Wa ¨ller                                         unchanged in the feces and the half-lives for the various
               White Swiss shepherd
                                                                MLs are in the range of days to weeks rather than hours.
               Reported by Geyer, J., Klintsch, S., Meerkamp, K., et al., 2007. Detection  Half-lives for the various MLs vary widely depending on
               of the nt230 (del4) MDR1 mutation in white Swiss shepherd dogs: case  formulation, dose administered and species, as well as the
               reports of doramectin toxicosis, breed predisposition, and microsatellite
               analysis. J. Vet. Pharmacol. Therap. 30:482 485; Mosher, C.M., Court,  relative amount of body fat (Lo et al., 1985; Fink and
               M.H., 2010. Comparative and veterinary pharmacogenomics. In  Porras, 1989; Lallemand et al., 2007).
               Comparative and Veterinary Pharmacology, Handbook of Experimental
               Pharmacology, Cunningham F, Elliott J, Lees P (eds). Springer-Verlag,  There have been many ML pharmacokinetic/toxicoki-
               Berlin, pp. 50 78.                               netic studies conducted in dogs, cats, sheep, goats, cattle,
                                                                horses, and pigs (Tway et al., 1981; Lo et al.,1985;
                                                                Prichard et al., 1985; Alvinerie et al., 1987, 1993; Marriner
             xenobiotics has been demonstrated in dogs with the  et al., 1987; Bogan and McKeller, 1988; Toutain et al.,
             ABCB1 mutation, pharmacokinetic studies have shown no  1988, 1997; Fink and Porras, 1989; Scott and McKeller,
             significant differences in oral bioavailability or elimination  1991; Godber et al., 1995; Sarasola et al., 2002; Gupta
             between dogs with mutant ABCB1 and wild-type dogs  et al.,2005). It is evident from many of these studies that
             (Mealey et al., 2010). Affected dogs develop clinical effects  ivermectin and its derivatives are excreted in the milk.
             of ML toxicosis at levels that do not cause clinical signs in
             dogs with normal P-GP. Recently, a novel insertion muta-  MECHANISM OF ACTION
             tion in the ABCB1 gene was found to be associated with
             ivermectin sensitivity in a border collie that lacked the pre-  The MLs exert their toxic actions through their high affin-
             viously described deletion mutation (Han et al., 2010),  ity for ligand-gated chloride channels, particularly those
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