Page 577 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 577

544 SECTION |VI Insecticids  mediated through the neurotransmitters GABA and gluta-  Table 43.2. Some chelonians appear to be highly sensitive
                                                                to MLs, with the leopard tortoise (Geochelone pardalis)
             mate, with higher concentrations required for GABA-
                                                                developing signs at dosages as low as 25 μg/kg (Teare
             mediated effects than for glutamate-mediated actions
             (Lanusse et al., 2009). Glutamate-gated channels are  and Bush, 1983). White lions appear to be more sensitive
             unique to invertebrates (Trailovic and Nedelijovic, 2011).  than tawny lions (Lobetti and Caldwell, 2012). Young
             Binding of MLs to glutamate-gated chloride channels  animals in general may be more sensitive than adults
             causes increased conductance of chloride through the cell  because their immature BBB are more permeable to iver-
             membrane, resulting in hyperpolarization and flaccid  mectin (Sanford et al., 1988).
             paralysis of invertebrate musculature, particularly in
             nematodes and arthropods (Lanusse et al., 2009).   Clinical Effects
             Paralysis of pharyngeal pump musculature decreases the
             ingestion of nutrients while paralysis of somatic muscula-  The clinical signs of ML toxicosis have been reported in
             tures impedes the ability of the parasite to remain at its  several studies (Pullium et al., 1985; Paul et al., 1987;
             site of predilection in the host, resulting in death of the  Tranquilli et al., 1987) as well as case reports of toxicosis
             parasites. Additionally, effects on the GABA and   in various species. In most species, signs generally are
             glutamate-mediated activity of the musculature of the  those of CNS depression, although in some species,
             female reproductive system result in decreases in oviposi-  GABA-mediated cholinergic effects have also been
             tion (Fellowes et al., 2000).                      reported. Ocular effects have been reported with ML
                Glutamate-mediated chloride channels sensitive to  overdoses and include mydriasis, miosis (less common),
             MLs are found uniquely in nematodes and arthropods.  absent menace response and blindness. Although multifo-
             Cestodes and trematodes lack ML binding sites, and are  cal retinal edema and separation were described in two
             therefore unaffected by MLs. In mammals, ML-sensitive  dogs (Kenny et al., 2008), other cases in cats, dogs, and
             GABA-mediated chloride channels are restricted to the  horses did not show abnormalities on fundic examinations
             CNS, from which the MLs are largely excluded through  (Meekins et al., 2015; Pollio et al., 2016). In all reported
             the action of a p-glycoprotein efflux pump (see MLs and  cases, vision returned upon recovery from toxicosis.
             p-glycoprotein defective animals in previous section).  After ingesting ivermectin at about 200 μg/kg of an
             When the p-glycoprotein transporter is overwhelmed  ivermectin anthelmintic paste, a dog with the ABCB1
             (e.g., in overdose situations), defective (e.g., ABCB1  mutation exhibited dehydration, bradycardia, respiratory
             defect), or compromised (e.g., pharmacologically inhib-  depression, cyanosis, mydriasis, and a diminished gag
             ited), entry of MLs into the mammalian CNS may lead to  reflex (Heit et al., 1989). Signs of ML toxicosis in dogs
             signs of toxicosis.                                may also include hypersalivation, vomiting, lethargy,
                                                                ataxia, tremors, hyperthermia or hypothermia, disorienta-
                                                                tion, lack of menace response, blindness, head-pressing,
             TOXICITY                                           seizures, coma, and death (Merola and Eubig, 2012).
                                                                Signs reported with ML toxicosis in cats include mild
             Toxicity Data
                                                                diarrhea, posterior ataxia, miosis or mydriasis, vocaliza-
             At the doses used as parasiticides in veterinary medicine,  tion, ataxia, tremors, sternal recumbency, coma, and
             MLs have low levels of toxicity to most animal species  death. (Song, 1991; Merola and Eubig, 2012). ML toxico-
             with at least a 10-fold margin of safety for ruminants,  sis in calves can cause depression, ataxia, diarrhea, dys-
             horses, swine, and dogs with normal P-GP (Campbell  pnea, tachycardia, recumbency, increased respiratory
             et al., 1983; Bennett, 1986; Lanusse et al., 2009). For  rates, muscular fasciculations, mydriasis, extensor rigidity
             example, the dosage of ivermectin used to prevent heart-  of the limbs, and miosis or mydriasis (Gupta, 2007). In
             worms and intestinal nematodes in dogs is 6 μg/kg body  sheep, ML toxicosis is characterized by depression and
             weight, which is over 30 times less than the dosage of  incoordination. In horses, ataxia, depression, mydriasis,
             200 600 μg/kg that is often used in dogs to manage ecto-  depressed respiratory rate and drooping lower lip visual
             parasites such as Demodex mites. Dogs with ABCB1   impairment have been reported (Leaning, 1983).
             defects would not be expected to show clinical signs until  Ten lions that were administered 0.2 0.5 mg/kg of
             levels of 80 100 μg/kg of ivermectin were administered,  doramectin subcutaneously and then subsequently fed the
             while most dogs with normal P-GP can generally tolerate  carcass of a horse that had recently received doramectin
             dosages of 200 μg/kg/day, although some dogs may show  via injection developed ataxia, hallucinations, and mydri-
             mild signs at that dosage (Merola et al., 2009; Merola and  asis 3 5 days following doramectin administration; two
             Eubig, 2012). In beagle dogs, the oral LD 50 of ivermectin  affected lions died (Lobetti and Caldwell, 2012). Post
             is 80,000 μg/kg body weight (Pullium et al., 1985). Toxic  mortem lesions consisted of cyanosis, pulmonary edema,
             and therapeutic dosages for some MLs are listed in  pleural effusion and pericardial effusion, and brain and
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