Page 63 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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30  SECTION | I General  organ system, new molecular markers are being identified  shape the cellular response. It describes more than 56,000
                                                                candidates that protein-protein interactions will contain
             on a regular basis (Gupta, 2014). The challenge for
                                                                more than 29,000 previously unknown coassociation.
             toxicologists is to consider from among this array of
             opportunities which biomarkers are sufficiently well  They identified 442 protein communities associated with
             validated with regard to their linkage to diseases and  more than 2000 disease connotations placing numerous
             sufficiently reasonable in cost to warrant their use in  candidate disease given with a cellular framework. The
             exposure response studies. This includes consideration  fundamental biology reported in this paper should
             of the new and highly sophisticated genomic tools. There  serve as both a cautionary message that disease processes
             is a special challenge in designing validation studies to  are extraordinarily complex and as a challenge for
             make certain that the experimental design is directed  future scientists to build bridges from this world of basic
             toward identifying specific disease-related endpoints or  biology to the observations of spontaneously occurring
             toxicant related effects rather than merely being another,  disease and toxicant-induced diseases in individuals and
             albeit more sophisticated, marker of nonspecific toxic  populations.
             effects. A serious issue in many previous validation stud-  A related message is the increasing need for all scien-
             ies has been the use of a single high exposure level and a  tists, including veterinary toxicologists to develop their
             few short-term observation times. Such studies are unable  communication skills. These communication skills are
             to evaluate exposure-related changes in biomarkers and  needed for multiple kinds of interactions, between scien-
             may not be able to identify toxicant specific changes  tists in diverse disciplines, between basic scientists and
             (Gupta, 2014).                                     clinicians, and between medical and other scientists and
                Three reports prepared by Committees of the National  the general public. The development of improved commu-
             Research Council provide insight into how some indivi-  nications will require that the traditional discipline based
             duals envision the future of toxicity testing. The first  silos of most scientific disciplines and academic institu-
             NRC Report (2007a) addresses the application of toxico-  tions will need to come down. Ultimately, students who
             genomic technologies in predictive toxicology and risk  desire to become true professionals rather than mere trade
             assessment. The second NRC Report (2007b) provides a  persons will demand it. Moreover, many members of the
             strategy and vision for toxicity testing in the 21st century.  public are already becoming better informed on scientific
             The third and most recent NRC report (2017) provides a  and medical matters and are developing high expectations
             discussion of the multiple ways in which information  of professionals who provide services to them or, on
             acquired using new technologies can influence evaluation  a broader scale, to society at large.
             of health risks. I encourage veterinary toxicologists,  In closing, let me comment briefly on the role of elec-
             whether they are in training or experienced, to carefully  tronic media as a source of information on toxicity and
             read these reports. I view both of the reports as aspira-  health issues, indeed, on essentially any matter in which
             tional. In my opinion, both committees would have  you want to find information. It is important to recognize
             benefitted from more participation from veterinarians and  that a Google search will yield an astonishing amount
             human medical doctors who understand the complexity of  of information. In some cases this will include original
             disease processes and toxicoses to counter-balance the  peer-reviewed  papers  published  on-line  in  highly
             views of molecular and cell biologists who are used to  reputable journals. In other cases, careful examination
             focusing on the microlevel and some mathematically ori-  will reveal the paper was published on-line in a journal
             ented scientists who may overstate the role of mathemati-  with a deceptively similar title to one of the highly
             cal models in predicting disease outcomes related to  respected journals. In some cases material presented in a
             exposure to toxic agents. The concept of systems biology  highly authoritative manner will not have a clearly related
             has come to the forefront in recent years. In my view, the  authorship, indeed, it could have been prepared as a new
             concept of a systems approach to normal biology and dis-  form of advertising. My bottom line recommendation is
             ease processes has been a fundamental concept undergird-  for users of the electronic media to carefully screen all
             ing both veterinary medicine and human medicine for  of the material and give the highest degree of credibility to
             more than a century.                               peer-reviewed material such as this text edited by Gupta.
                To illustrate the extent to which our current knowl-
             edge of biological systems and diseases processes has
             advanced, I will cite a single recent reference, Huttlin  CONCLUDING REMARKS AND FUTURE
             et al. (2017). This paper with 25 coauthors describes
             BioPlex 2.0 (Biophysical Interactions of ORFeome-
             derived complexes). BioPlex 2.0 is grounded in recogni-  Veterinary toxicology is a multifaceted hybrid that draws
             tion that the physiology of a cell can be viewed as the  on and contributes to the veterinary medical profession,
             product of thousands of proteins existing in concert to  the scientific field of toxicology, and, broadly, to medical
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