Page 634 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 634

Anticoagulant Chapter | 46  599  samples, liquid, and solid biological samples are briefly  fluorescence detection (Hunter, 1985; Hunter and Sharp,
                                                                1988), as well as other fluorescent methods (Mundy and
                                                                Machin, 1982; AOAC, 1976a,b) for diphacinone (Bullard
                Bait formulation and technical material: HPLC meth-
             ods to detect chlorophacinone (Vigh et al., 1981; Grant  et al., 1975, 1976), bromadiolone (Deepa and Mishra,
             and Pike, 1979), difenacoum (Hadler and Shadbolt, 1975),  2005), and brodifacoum (Fu et al., 2006). Diode array
             and Rozol (Kawano and Chang, 1980) in bait formulation  (Yang et al., 2001) and rapid fluorimetric methods for
             have been reported. Recently, NMR has been used to  detection of chlorophacinone or diphacinone (Cai et al.,
             detect source-to-source and batch-to-batch variations in  2011) in human serum based on formation of histidine
             distereomer ratios of brodifacoum (Cort et al., 2012).  complexes have also been reported.
                Air, soil, or water environmental samples: A recent  Increasingly, methods are developed to look for many,
             method   quantifies  brodifacoum  in  workplace  air  if not all, anticoagulant rodenticides in a single method.
             0.2B10.0 μg/mL, with a detection limit of 0.08 μg/mL  An early example extracted and detected eight anticoagu-
             and minimum detectable concentration of 0.00067 mg/m 3  lant rodenticides in serum or liver using fluorescence and
             (Fu et al., 2013). An LC-ESI-MS analytical method is  UV detection with detection of 4-hydroxycoumains to
             reported to determine chlorophacinone, bromadiolone,  about 1 ng/mL of serum and 1 ng/g of liver; and indane-
             pindone, diphacinone, warfarin, coumatetralyl, brodifa-  diones down to 10 ng/mL of serum and 10 ng/g of liver
             coum, fluocoumafen, and difenacoum residues with limits  (Chalermchaikit et al., 1993; Felice et al., 1991; Felice
             of detection and quantitation of 0.09 and 2.2 μg/kg in soil  and Murphy, 1989). A number of methods for simul-
             and 0.08 and 1.7 μg/L in water (Herna ´ndez et al., 2013a).  taneous detection of multiple rodenticides in serum
                Food: An interesting new method uses HPLC to detect  (Kuijpers et al., 1995), with detection limits of 3 12 ng/mL
             anticoagulant rodenticides in soft drinks (Dimuccio et al.,  for fluorescence and 20 75 ng/mL for UV detection
             1991), an ion pair LC method to detect chlorophacionone  (Kuijpers et al., 1995; McCarthy et al., 1997; Mura
             and diphacinone in oats (Primus et al., 1998), and a cell  et al., 1992; Feng et al., 1999; Jin et al., 2007)or less
             culture/ELISA assay to detect anticoagulant rodenticides  than 10 851 ng/L for brodifacoum, difethialone, and
             in treated grain (Lawley et al., 2006) have all been  difenacoum (Robben et al., 1998), were reported.

             Exposed Animals: Liquid (Serum, Blood, Urine)      Solid: (Hair, Feces, Tissues and Food)
             Methods to detect anticoagulant rodenticides in exposed  A high performance TLC method with an estimated
             animals were initially focused on individual compounds,  detection limit of 200 ppb and 87% recovery from liver
             then expanded to detection of groups of compounds in the  has been reported (Berny et al., 1995). HPLC methods for
             same method. Matrices from exposed animals are com-  chlorophacinone (Hunter, 1984), difethiolone (Goldade
             monly either liquids, such as urine, blood or serum, or  et al., 1998), difenacoum (Mundy and Machin, 1977),
             solids, such as tissues. Methods are presented similarly.  brodifacoum (Hagenboom and Rammell, 1983), and
                Warfarin: Early fluorimetric and GC methods were  bromadiolone (Nahas, 1986) in tissue have been reported.
             for serum (Corn and Berberich, 1967; Fasco et al., 1977;  Methods for detection of multiple molecules from tis-
             Hanna et al., 1978; Lee et al., 1981; Lewis et al., 1970;  sue samples, such as a solid phase cartridge extraction
             O’Reilly et al., 1962; Vesell and Shivley, 1974; Welling  from liver, with recoveries ranging from 52% for difena-
             et al., 1970; Mildha et al., 1974).                coum to 78% for warfarin, with limits of detection of
                Brodifacoum: Numerous HPLC methods for detection  about 10 ppb for warfarin and difenacoum and 110 ppb
             of brodifacoum (Murphy and Gerken, 1989; Koubek    for chlorophacinone (Fauconnet et al., 1997; Jones, 1996;
             et al., 1979; Hoogenboom and Rammell, 1983; Keiboom  Addison, 1982), were reported. HPLC: method reports
             and Rammel, 1981; Ray et al., 1989; Hong et al., 2010;  simultaneous determination of bromadiolone, brodifacoum,
             Kim et al., 2010; Fu et al., 2012) or bromadiolone  coumachlor, coumafuryl, coumatetralyl, difenacoum, flo-
             (Subbiah et al., 2005; Hunter and Sharp, 1988) in serum  coumafen, and warfarin in liver (Armentano et al., 2012).
             or plasma have been reported. One method reports the use  Many recent methods use mass spectroscopy. For
             of difenacoum as the internal standard (O’Bryan and  example, for indandiones diphacinone and chlorophaci-
             Constable, 1991).                                  none in whole blood or urine, and the 4-hydroxy coumar-
                Difenacoum: An HPLC method distinguishes cis and  ins,  bromadiolone,  brodifacoum,  coumachlor,
             trans isomers with detection limits of 5 ng/mL (Kelly  coumatetralyl, difenacoum, and warfarin, in whole blood
             et al., 1993).                                     specimens (Schaff and Montgomery, 2013), or LC-IT/MS
                Various detection methods have also been used histor-  method with limits of detection of 5 25 ng/mL in
             ically, including a postcolumn pH shift to enhance  plasma.
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