Page 750 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 750

References  Burrows  Tyrl  and  (2013);  Shropshire  (1992)  al.  et  Burrows  Tyrl  and  (2013);  Shropshire  (1992)  al.  et  and  Flory  Hebert  (1984)  and  Day  Dilworth  (1984)  Burrows  Tyrl  and  (2013)  and  Jensen  Allen  (1981)  Burrows  Tyrl  and  (2013)  Burrows  Tyrl  and  (2013)

                          Type  be  to   canaries  canaria),  ostriches  camelus)            turkeys,

                          Species/Bird  Reported  Affected  Budgerigars  (Melopsittacus  undulates),  (Serinus  cockatiels,  (Struthio  Budgerigars  (Melopsittacus  undulates)  Chickens  Chickens  Chickens,  ducks  Ducks  Chickens  Chickens

                          Organ                                            kidneys                                         skeletal

                          Primary  System  Affected  Cardiovascular  system  Cardiovascular  system,  gastrointestinal  tract  Nervous  system,  gastrointestinal  tract,  Nervous  system,  cardiovascular  system  liver,  Eggs,  muscle,  cardiovascular  system  Gastrointestinal  liver  tract,  Gastrointestinal  tract,  muscle  Gastrointestinal  tract

                          Toxic                                    inhibition,      increased  eggs  affects  and  liver  to  due  cyanide  inhibition  mitochondrial

                          of                                       muscle        receptor  Ca 21  of  taste);  damage  mechanism  on  synthesis
                          Mechanism  Action  Unknown  Unknown      Smooth  vasodilation  Adenosine  antagonism,  intracellular  concentrations  Accumulation  trimethylamine  and  (odor  muscle  unknown  section  See  Protein  Irritation,  myopathy  Irritation

                          Part  Demonstrated  Toxic  leaves  bark                                                       seeds

                          Plant  be  to  Fruit,      Leaves,       Seeds         Seeds       Seeds         Root  Seeds  Fruit,      Seeds

                      Birds                          possibly  lectins,  others

                      to                                                         Theobromine,  Glucosinolates,          Anthraquinones
                      Toxic  Toxin  Persin           Unknown;  glycoprotein  proteins  Saponins,  caffeine  others  Cyanide  Ricin  Saponins

                      to                                           spp.
                      Reported  Scientific  Name  Persea  americana  Robinia  pseudoacacia  Sesbania  Theobroma  cacao  spp.  Brassica  spp. Manihot  Ricinus  communis  spp.  Senna  (previously  spp.)  Cassia  Agrostemma  githago


                      53.1                           locust        pod,                      (also  as  to     bean     senna,  pod,  cockle

                      TABLE  Common  Name  Avocado  Black  Bladder  rattlebox,  coffeeweed,  daubentonia,  others  Cacao  Canola  referred  rapeseed),  mustards  Cassava  Castor  Coffee  sickle  coffeeweed,  others  Corn
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