Page 755 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 755

Inhibition  Burrows  geese Chickens,  Liver  and  protein  of  Tyrl  and  alkylate synthesis,  RNA  (2013)  mitosis  inhibit  DNA,  Burrows  turkeys Chickens, Nervous receptor Glutamate  Tyrl  and  system,  lysyl  of inhibition agonism,  (2013) reproduction  oxidase  (decrease  ovarian  eggs  activity),  Burrows  Poultry  Nervous  receptor Nicotinic  Tyrl  and  embryo  system, teratogen stimulation,  (2013) development  Brown  Poultry  Eggs  to  due  yolks  egg  Affects  (1997)  al.  et mechanism unknown  Burrows Chickens  system  Nervous  inhibits  Cyanide  Tyrl  and  signs  c;  ox

                                   leaves,                          and                                      seeds

                                   Seeds,  stems   Seeds            Leaves  stems  Seeds       Leaves        Leaves,

                                                   nitriles,                          (probably  β-cyano-L-

                                   Pyrrolizidine  alkaloids  acids,  Amino  β-aminoproprionitrile  Nicotine,  nornicotine,  anabasine  Cyanogenic  glycosides  toxic),  not  alanine  Taxine

                                   spp.     spp.   spp.             spp.
                                   Crotalaria  Senecio  Lathyrus    Nicotiana  Abutilon  theophrasti  spp.  Vicia  Parthenocissus  quinquefolia  spp.  Taxus

                                   Rattlebox,  others  Ragwort,  groundsel  pea  Sweet  Tobacco  Velvetweed  Vetch  Virginia  creeper  Yew

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