Page 801 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
P. 801

760 SECTION | XI Bacterial and Cyanobacterial Toxins  and they are best described as short proteins secreted by  TOXICITY
             the cell into the growth matrix (Balaban and Rasooly,
                                                                The symptoms of staphylococcal food poisoning occur in
             2000). All SE types are water soluble, very heat resistant,
             and resist most proteolytic enzymes, such as trypsin and  humans when as little as 100 ng of enterotoxin is ingested
                                                                (Bennett, 2005). There is a paucity of information on the
             pepsin, which make it possible for them to travel through
                                                                dose of individual enterotoxins that will cause clinical
             the digestive tract to their site of action. Thus, all SE
                                                                signs in common domestic animals. The first and most
             types resist the conditions that could easily destroy the
                                                                common clinical sign in dogs is vomiting, which usually
             bacteria that produced them. SEs are thought to have a
                                                                occurs within 2 or 3 h following ingestion. This can often
             direct effect on the intestinal epithelium and on the vagus
                                                                suffice to remove enough contaminated food from the
             nerve to cause stimulation of the emetic center as well as
                                                                gastrointestinal tract to prevent the development of more
             increasing peristalsis. Foods that are frequently associated
                                                                severe clinical signs. However, vomiting can be pro-
             with staphylococcal food poisoning include meat and
                                                                tracted and lead to fluid and electrolyte abnormalities.
             meat products; poultry and egg products; salads such as
                                                                Diarrhea can often develop within 2 48 h following
             egg, tuna, chicken, potato, and macaroni; bakery products
                                                                ingestion of contaminated food and can be severe, some-
             such as cream-filled pastries; and milk and other dairy
                                                                times bloody. The combination of both vomiting and diar-
             products. An example of a proverbial high-risk food is the
                                                                rhea in the affected animal can quickly lead to profound
             potato salad at a summer picnic left out for several hours
                                                                fluid and electrolyte abnormalities. The animal may
             without refrigeration.
                                                                exhibit tenderness to the abdomen or the stomach and the
                B. cereus is in the family Bacillaceae, which are all
                                                                intestinal tract can be distended with gas (Coppock and
             Gram-positive rod-shaped bacteria that form endospores.
                                                                Mostrom, 1986).
             The family has two main divisions: the anaerobic spore-
                                                                  The emetic form of B. cereus food poisoning is char-
             forming bacteria of the genus Clostridium and the
                                                                acterized in humans by an acute attack of nausea and
             aerobic or facultatively anaerobic spore-forming bacte-
                                                                vomiting, which occurs within 1 5 h after consumption
             ria of the genus Bacillus. B. cereus is a primary inhabi-
                                                                of contaminated food. Diarrhea is not a common feature
             tant of soils and contaminates almost all agricultural
                                                                in this type of illness. In humans, the diarrheal syndrome
             products. It is also routinely involved in the contamina-
                                                                is characterized by abdominal pain, abdominal cramping,
             tion and spoilage of food products. B. cereus can also
                                                                and diarrhea that often can be very watery. There is an
             be involved in wound, eye, or systemic infections.
                                                                incubation period of 4 16 h, and clinical signs can persist
             B. cereus food poisoning is generally described as
                                                                for 12 24 h. Nausea may accompany the diarrhea, but
             having two types of illness caused by different metabo-
                                                                vomiting rarely occurs.
             lites. The diarrheal type of illness is caused by one or
                                                                  Testing for enterotoxins requires specialized labora-
             several  heat-labile,  high-molecular-weight  proteins,
                                                                tory techniques and methods of detection have greatly
             whereas the vomiting (emetic) type of illness is believed
                                                                expanded (Wu et al., 2016).
             to be caused by a low-molecular-weight, heat-stable
             peptide that has been named cereulide (Schoeni and
             Wong, 2005). In humans, the diarrheal syndrome is  TREATMENT
             thought to be the consequence of a food-borne infection
             with enterotoxic B. cereus following the observation  It is important to remember three factors when a food-
             that the diarrheal enterotoxins are produced during the  borne problem is included in the differential diagnosis:
             vegetative growth of B. cereus in the small intestine.  the presenting clinical signs, the possible exposure to
             B. cereus food poisoning has been classically associated  foodstuffs not normally included in the animal’s diet, and
             with fried rice and other cooked rice dishes because the  the interval between exposure and onset of clinical pro-
             bacteria is frequently present in uncooked rice and heat-  blems. Some of these may not be known at the time of
             resistant spores may survive cooking. If cooked rice is  initial presentation but should be explored as the case is
             subsequently held at room temperature, vegetative forms  developed.
             multiply, and a heat-stable toxin is produced that can  In general, treatment of garbage intoxication in ani-
             survive brief heating, such as stir frying. B. cereus food  mals should be directed at correcting the fluid and elec-
             poisoning can also be associated with meat- or     trolyte  abnormalities  along  with  considerations  of
             vegetable-containing foods after cooking where the  acid base balance. As mentioned previously, noncompli-
             food was held above room temperature for a prolonged  cated cases will often resolve within hours of presentation
             period of time. Dogs have been shown to be susceptible  with only supportive care. However, because the clinical
             to B. cereus food poisoning (Chastain and Harris, 1974)  signs can be similar to those of more serious conditions, a
             with watery diarrhea reported as the most consistent  more thorough diagnostic workup (e.g., survey abdominal
             manifestation.                                     radiographs) and close observation should always be
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