Page 11 - Linear Models for the Prediction of Animal Breeding Values 3rd Edition
P. 11

D.2.2   Value of records on descendants                     316
                  D.2.3   Value of records on ancestors                       317
        Appendix E                                                            318
            E.1   Canonical Transformation: Procedure to Calculate
                  the Transformation Matrix and its Inverse                   318
            E.2   Canonical Transformation with Missing Records
                  and Same Incidence Matrices                                 319
                  E.2.1  Illustration                                         320
            E.3   Cholesky Decomposition                                      322

        Appendix F: Procedure for Computing Deregressed Breeding Values       323

        Appendix G: Calculating Φ, a Matrix of Legendre Polynomials
                    Evaluated at Different Ages or Time Periods               325

        References                                                            327

        Index                                                                 337

        Contents                                                               xi
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16