Page 15 - Linear Models for the Prediction of Animal Breeding Values 3rd Edition
P. 15


        ADG      average daily gain
        ARHS     adjusted right-hand side
        BFAT     backfat thickness
        BLUE     best linear unbiased estimator
        BLUP     best linear unbiased prediction
        BV       breeding value
        BW       birth weight
        CF       covariance function
        CR       correlated response
        DBV      direct breeding value
        DGV      direct genomic breeding values
        DIM      days in milk
        DRB      deregressed breeding values
        DRP      deregressed proofs
        DSP      durable performance sum
        DYD      daughter yield deviation
        EBV      estimated breeding value
        EDC      effective daughter contributions
        EM       expectation maximization
        ETA      estimated transmitting ability
        FA       factor analysis
        GEBV     genomic breeding values
        GLS      generalized least squares
        GR       growth rate
        HTD      herd–test–day
        HYS      herd–year–season
        IBD      identical by descent
        IGE      indirect genetic effects
        INET     index net
        LD       linkage disequilibrium
        LGR      lean growth rate
        LP       lean per cent
        LPL      length of productive life
        LS       lifespan
        LSE      least squares equations
        MACE     multi-trait across-country evaluation
        MAS      marker-assisted selection
        MBLUP    multivariate best linear unbiased prediction
        MCMC     Markov chain Monte Carlo
        MGD      maternal granddams

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