Page 108 - Veterinary diagnostic imaging birds exotic pets wildlife
P. 108

104  SECTION I  III  The Birds

                    ance, delayed union should be anticipated. Recom-    an implant incorrectly. Alternatively, owners may
                    mend 3-week progress check.”                         fail to restrict their pet’s activities in the critical
                                                                         period before recently repaired bone fragments have

                                                                         had sufficient time to solidify and are subject to
                    III FRACTURE HEALING THAT                            dislocation.
                         RESEMBLES INFECTION
                                                                         Hypertrophic Nonunions
                    Certain types of callus can resemble infection. This is
                    especially true of long minimally displaced spiral frac-  Not surprisingly, hypertrophic nonunions are most
                    tures where the callus resembles an infective  involu-  likely found in the wing, where regular movement
                    crum (Figure 10-11). Alternatively, some fractures may   at the fracture site impedes interfragmentary vascular-
                    not only fail to form a callus, but may instead lose   ization and discourages purposeful callus formation.

                    density. This latter appearance is usually due to either   Instead, new bone deposition is confined to the
                    avascular necrosis or posttraumatic osteoporosis (see Figure   ends of the fracture, making the bone appear
                    10-11).                                              overly dense, flared, and often blunted, which is

                                                                         an appearance sometimes referred to as an elephant’s
                                                                         foot. Over time, humeral and radioulnar nonunions
                    III NONRESTORATIVE BONE HEALING:                     can become encased in a thick cuff of connective
                         THE MALUNION FRACTURE                           tissue, which is sometimes referred to as a  false
                                                                         joint. Figures 10-14 and 10-15 include examples of
                    Most authorities exercise some discretion when       nonunions.
                    using the term malunion, generally reserving it for
                    moderate to severe deformities that might lead to    Avascular Nonunions
                    some degree of disability (Figures 10-12 and 10-13). In
                    my experience, malunions are a potentially greater   Fractures that have lost their blood supply are incapa-
                    concern in the wings of birds than in the limbs of   ble of healing and eventually go on to become avascu-
                    mammals.                                             lar nonunions. Unlike hypertrophic nonunions that
                                                                         deposit nonpurposeful callus around the bone ends
                                                                         (but not in between fracture fragments), avascular
                    Does Malunion Equal Dysfunction?
                                                                         nonunions deposit little or no new bone (Figure 10-16).
                    There is nothing inherently dysfunctional in a mal-  Instead, avascular nonunions result in a depletion
                    union fracture. Rather, malunion is a radiographic des-  of the mineral salts from the original bone, causing

                    ignation, or categorization, that indicates only that a   it to become dark and ill-defined compared with
                    fractured bone has failed to be fully restored, with or   healthy bone. In some instances, the bone adjacent to
                    without treatment.                                   the fracture appears to disintegrate or disappear alto-
                                                                         gether, thus the term atrophic nonunion is used (Figure
                    Time and Gradual Adaptation
                                                                           Another type of nonunion is the unreactive, or non-
                    Generally, severe malunions can be accommodated      reactive, nonunion in which the injured bone fails to

                    provided there is suffi cient time to make and practice   change in any identifiable way, merely remaining qui-
                    the necessary compensatory adjustments to the control   escent over time. Surgical revisions often behave in
                    surfaces of the affected wing. The principal purpose of   this manner.
                    raptor recovery facilities is to provide time for gradual
                                                                         When to Make the
                                                                         Radiographic “Call”
                    III THE NONUNION FRACTURE                            As I proposed nearly 2 decades ago and based on
                                                                         a similar proposal by Heppenstall, a fracture should
                                                                         be declared a nonunion if it fails to show signs of
                    Radiographic Determination
                                                                         healing in two consecutive radiographic examinations
                    A nonunion fracture is a fracture that fails to heal. Clas-  made at least 3 months apart. Obviously, if a fracture is
                    sically, a clinical nonunion is defined by three things:   palpably unstable, then its fragments are clearly

                    lameness, palpable pain, and fragment movement.      ununited.
                    Radiographically, the two types of nonunions are
                    hypertrophic and avascular; the latter is also termed atro-
                    phic or unreactive.                                  III SUMMARIZING CASE EXAMPLE

                                                                         In this extraordinary example, the proximal radius and
                    Implant Failure and Dislocation

                                                                         ulna of a snowy owl are first subjected to the grillwork
                    Implants do not fail, people do. Surgeons may use    of a northern logging truck and subsequently to three
                    the wrong implants for a particular repair or apply                                 Text continued on p. 115.

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