Page 137 - Veterinary diagnostic imaging birds exotic pets wildlife
P. 137
Chapter 13
The Wing: Gunshots
III ON SHOOTING BIRDS debilitating pain or mechanical interference (Figure
13-1). Pellets may also interfere with the opening or
Birds are shot for a variety of reasons, some more closing of hinge or rotary joints, such as the elbow,
legitimate than others: Hunters shoot birds for sport, carpometacarpus, or metacarpophalangeal articula-
ranchers dispose of pests, and others simply seek a tions (Figure 13-2), as well as secondarily impeding the
target of convenience. Some shoot birds to have them action of tendons that regulate the critical control sur-
mounted, preferring to view them over mantelpieces faces of the wing.
rather than in the wild. But whatever the reason,
people shoot birds, sometimes killing them, sometimes BB Gun Wounds
When a bird is shot, it may be killed outright or it BB gun wounds rarely result in fractures but these
may be incapacitated, falling to the earth where it may ubiquitous projectiles are capable of deeply penetrat-
sustain further injuries, which may or may not be fatal ing the wing and may even enter a joint. BBs, unlike
in their own right. Ironically, an injured water bird lead or alloy shot, are quite hard and rarely become
may drown before it can reach shore. deformed. BBs are inert under most circumstances, are
Once it finds itself earth bound, an injured bird will disinclined to migrate, and in my experience do not
usually take refuge in the nearest cover, where it will lead to abscesses.
remain until it feels compelled to leave in search of
food and water. It is in this later circumstance where Low-Velocity Gunshot Wounds
it must potentially contend with its most formidable
danger, predators. The most common low-velocity gunshot wounds sus-
tained by birds are from 22 caliber rifles. Head, neck,
and torso wounds are often fatal. Direct midextremital
Shotgun Wounds
and upper extremital hits can result in fracture, espe-
Radiographically, shotgun wounds appear as one or cially if the bird is small and shot at short range. More
more spherical metallic densities, some of which may distally situated wounds usually damage feathers and
be deformed as a result of striking bone. Fractures may imbed beneath the skin.
result from shotgun wounds.
High-Velocity Gunshot Wounds
Air Gun Pellet Wounds
High-velocity gunshot wounds are more often than
Air gun pellets have a distinctive appearance that not fatal. Distal extremital wounds can be survived,
resembles a symmetrically crimped bullet. Although especially if the bird is not seriously injured in the
capable of causing fatal injury, especially at short subsequent fall. Grazing wounds to the midextremity
range, most air gun pellets lodge beneath the skin or and upper extremity often cause substantial wing
in the superficial soft tissue and usually do not cause damage but lack the knockdown power of a direct hit.
fractures. Projectile deformity is exceptional. Some wounded birds are capable of making a crash
Occasionally, air gun pellets become lodged in or landing of sorts, somewhat resembling that of a par-
against complex joints, such as the shoulder, causing tially disabled helicopter.
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