Page 307 - Veterinary diagnostic imaging birds exotic pets wildlife
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CHAPTER 26  III Rabbits  303

                    immediate need to know, a chest drain may be used to   Tumors
                    remove the fluid and the rabbit radiographed again.

                    Postural radiography can be used under such circum-  Lung Tumors.  In the advanced stages of development

                    stances; specifically, a lateral projection, using a hori-  when individual tumors are coalescing with their neigh-

                    zontal x-ray beam, with the hind quarters elevated to   bors, it can be difficult or impossible to differentiate

                    move the fluid to the cranial portion of the chest cavity   any individual lesions. Instead, the lung appears con-
                    may result in better visualization of the diaphragm.  solidated, much as it might with a severe pneumonia
                       Occasionally, one or more large cranial vessels are   or abscess (Figure 26-23).
                    ruptured and spill their contents in the mediastinal

                    space. Confined by the interior pleura, the loculated   Abdominal Tumors.  As with many secondary lung
                    blood behaves like a mass, displacing the heart cau-  tumors, abdominal tumors are often associated with
                    dally and potentially compressing the trachea (Figure   large volume transudates, which swell the abdomen,
                    26-18).                                              displace organs, and generally obscure the visceral
                                                                         content as shown in Figure 26-23. In such situations,
                                                                         ultrasound often reveals what is otherwise hidden in
                    III INFECTIONS                                       radiographs (Figure 26-24).
                                                                           Some abdominal tumors, for example, uterine car-
                                                                         cinomas, may become mineralized, making their ra-
                    Middle Ear, Facial, and Jaw Infections
                                                                         diographic detection quite straightforward (Figure
                    Rarely, chronic middle ear infections can lead to bone   26-25).

                    formation in the normally air-filled bullae, in some
                    instances completely opacifying the chamber. One or   Common Abdominal Disorders
                    both ears may be affected (Figure 26-19). If both ears
                    are affected, the heightened density may be judged   The Normal Rabbit Abdomen.  The principal infl u-
                    normal because it is present on both sides. Thus the   ences on the appearance of the normal rabbit abdomen
                    value of a normal comparison radiograph becomes      are (1) the amount of peritoneal fat and (2) the volume
                    obvious.                                             of air in the gastrointestinal tract. A large amount of
                       Occasionally, middle ear infections may spread from   fat can substantially degrade abdominal detail, often
                    their point (or points) of origin to other parts of the   leading to the misimpression of peritoneal fl uid. The
                    head, such as the face and jaw, and as in the previous   visceral displacement caused by large abdominal fat
                    case, lead to large deposits of extensively mineralized   accumulations  (fat depots) can be particularly decep-
                    tissue (Figure 26-20).                               tive, creating the illusion of a mass, called a  mass
                       Clearly, both of these cases are not just obviously   effect.
                    abnormal, they are visually spectacular. Although the
                    viewer may not know the precise cause (or causes)    Fat Depots.  Abdominal fat depots are situated beneath
                    of these changes, it is blatantly clear that the bullae   and behind the liver (sometimes referred to as falci-
                    are not normal. However, it is important to recognize   form fat), around both kidneys, and about the urinary
                    that these are exceptional radiographic fi ndings. The   bladder. In a female, substantial amounts of fat sur-
                    vast majority of rabbits with middle ear infections   round the ovaries and uterus. The more fat there is in
                    appear entirely normal: no wall thickening, no       these locations, the less room there is for the adjacent
                    increased chamber density, and no mineralization. The   viscera. Thus crowding occurs, which in turn leads to
                    radiographic reality is that most infected bullae, even   decreased abdominal detail, along with its attendant
                    those infected for months or even years, appear entirely   diagnostic implications.
                    normal when radiographed.
                                                                         Gastrointestinal Air Accumulations. Medium  to
                                                                         large volumes of air, especially within the stomach,
                                                                         create a substantial mass effect that characteristically
                    Lung Abscesses
                                                                         displaces the bowel mass caudally. As with large fat
                    Rabbits can develop some enormous lung abscesses,    depots, this type of displacement crowds the intestine
                    often the result of a chronic Pasteurella pneumonia.   (including the cecum) into a smaller area of the peri-
                    Some of these are solid, and others are cavitated, some-  toneal cavity, with a resultant increase in superim-
                    times extensively. A typical lung abscess involves   position, greater overall regional density, and a
                    most or all of a single lung lobe, usually increasing its   commensurate reduction in visceral detail.
                    volume in the process. Those that involve the cranial
                    or middle lobes typically displace the heart and trachea   Hairballs
                    to the opposite side of the chest (Figure 26-21). Caudal
                    lobe abscesses typically form  silhouette signs (organ   Hairballs are a fact of life where rabbits are concerned.
                    overlap) with the adjacent heart and diaphragm, as   Large amounts of hair in the stomach may interfere
                    well as causing bronchial displacement (Figure 26-22).   with emptying, leading to distention and discomfort.
                    Affected rabbits often do not appear that ill.                                      Text continued on p. 310.

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