Page 36 - Veterinary diagnostic imaging birds exotic pets wildlife
P. 36

32  SECTION I  III  The Birds

                                     Figure 2-13 • A Swainson’s hawk, wings outspread, perched on the bare hand of its handler.

                    Figure 2-14 • A dead kestrel before being radiographed to see whether there is any evidence that it was shot. The examination proved to
                    be negative.

                    observed these birds hunting side by side in a river   peration to escape, often momentarily beach them-
                    near my home (Figure 2-17). The local pelicans and   selves just long enough to be taken by a gull patiently
                    cormorants prefer to hunt the heavy, convergent      waiting at the water’s edge (Figure 2-20).
                    hydraulics produced as water streams over and around
                    a weir, just as it meets the reinforced riverbank (Figures
                    2-18 and 2-19). All prefer the shallows, especially the   III PIGEONS
                    cormorants, which resemble otters more than birds
                    because they pursue their prey only a few inches     Perhaps no other bird is more at home in cities than
                    beneath the turbulent surface. Minnows, in their des-  the pigeon. It perches on rooftops, beneath bridges, on

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