Page 136 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
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CHAPTER 6  Diagnostic Imaging in Oncology  115

                                                                 be used to predict malignancy, but this finding is not consis-
                                                                 tent. 32,33  In one study of liver masses, arterial hypervascularity was
                                                                 noted in the majority of hepatocellular carcinoma masses, but not                                                    other benign or malignant hepatic masses.  Multiphase evalua-
                                                                 tion of enhancement patterns with contrast-enhanced ultrasound
                                                                 can be used to differentiate between benign and malignant lesions.
                                                                 In both the liver and spleen, a nodule that remains hypoechoic in
                                                                 both the early vascular phase (5–10 seconds after injection) and
                                                                 late vascular phase (25–30 seconds after injection) is more com-
                                                                 monly seen with malignant lesions whereas benign nodules most
                                                                 often become isoechoic to the surrounding parenchyma in both
                                                                 phases. 21,32,33,35,36  However, this distinction is less clear for renal
                                                                 lesions.  This differential contrast pattern has also been shown to
                                                                 increase the sensitivity for the diagnosis of liver metastasis. 31
                                                                   Elastography uses ultrasound to assess the relative hardness of
                                                                 tissues. This is an emerging technology in both human and vet-
           • Fig. 6.3  A transverse ultrasound image of the liver demonstrates multi-  erinary medicine to increase the specificity of ultrasound for the
           focal nodules, several of which have a target appearance with a central   diagnosis of various disease processes. In strain elastography, exter-
           hyperechoic focus and a hypoechoic rim. Target lesions are associated   nal pressure is applied with the transducer and the mechanical
           with a higher positive-predicative value for malignant nodules than other   properties of the tissues are illustrated with a color map; hard tis-
           sonographic patterns.
                                                                 sues are typically displayed in yellow to red colors and soft tissues
                                                                 in green to blue colors.  Tissue stiffness tends to increase with
                                                                 disease.  Limitations include susceptibility to operator variability
                                                                 and the need to compare tissues with adjacent structures.  More
                                                                 research is required in this area to determine the utility of elastog-
                                                                 raphy in oncologic imaging.
                                                                   Ultrasound-guided tissue sampling is fast and safe. Image
                                                                 guidance allows for direct needle placement in the lesion of inter-
                                                                 est, thus minimizing patient risk and increasing diagnostic accu-
                                                                 racy. 41,42  Serious complications from image-guided biopsies are
                                                                 uncommon, but include needle-tract seeding of transitional cell
                                                                 carcinoma.  The most common complications of percutaneous
                                                                 lung biopsy are pulmonary hemorrhage and pneumothorax, but
                                                                 these are typically minor and self-limiting. The risk of these com-
                                                                 plications is higher when the needle passes through aerated lung
                                                                 before entering the lesion. 44,45  Hemorrhage associated with ultra-
                                                                 sound guided sampling occurs in fewer than 6% of cases and is
                                                                 self-limiting in all but 1%. 46,47
                                                                   Ultrasound accuracy is dependent on the experience of the
           •  Fig. 6.4  A sagittal image of the midabdomen shows coalescing   operator and quality of the images. CT and MRI provide advan-
           hypoechoic nodules within hyperechoic mesenteric fat and a moderate   tages when evaluating abdominal disease because obtaining com-
           amount of echogenic abdominal fluid. These findings are strongly sugges-  plete high-quality images is less user dependent and images can be
           tive of carcinomatosis.                               reviewed by a radiologist more confidently. In addition, CT and
                                                                 MRI provide advantages in evaluating larger abdomens, complex
           challenging. Vascular patterns may also be helpful in diagnosing   or extensive masses, masses of undetermined origin, and areas dif-
           malignant lesions. Owing to neovascularization of tumors, their   ficult to assess with ultrasound, such as the cranial-dorsal abdo-
           blood supply tends to be more tortuous, with higher velocities   men, pelvic region, and retroperitoneal space. 
           than noted in normal tissue. 26–29  Ultrasound can also detect
           tumor invasion into local vasculature, which may influence the   Computed Tomography
           ranking of differential diagnoses and treatment decisions (e.g.,
           adrenal mass invasion into the caudal vena cava) (Fig. 6.5).  In veterinary medicine, CT is still typically performed under
             Contrast-enhanced ultrasound improves detection of small   general anesthesia, but with the increasing availability of faster
           blood vessels compared with power Doppler imaging because of   multislice scanners more CT scans are being performed with seda-
           reduced motion artifact and allows for evaluation of tissue per-  tion alone. This is particularly true for thoracic CTs to screen for
           fusion.  First-generation contrast agents contained air within   pulmonary metastasis. This can also be facilitated with the use of
           microbubbles, whereas second-generation agents contain perfluo-  Plexiglas tubes for restraint.  There are clear advantages in terms
           rocarbon or sulfur hexafluoride.  The microbubbles in second-  of speed and cost when anesthesia is not used, but pulmonary
           generation ultrasound contrast agents are generally <2.5  μm,   atelectasis can still occur, particularly if the patient was sedated,
           resulting in an intravascular agent that has a flow pattern similar   and this may have an effect on interpretation of thoracic CTs. 48
           to that of red blood cells and therefore can demonstrate the pres-  The basic principles of CT will be discussed, but more detailed
           ence of blood vessels and can assess arterial, portal, and late phases   descriptions of CT protocols can be found elsewhere.  Slice
           in the liver.  There is some evidence that vascular tortuosity can   thickness is an important consideration, as it affects both image
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