Page 322 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
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300   PART III    Therapeutic Modalities for the Cancer Patient

         anti-NGF monoclonal antibody therapy has been tested in clini-  survival times (STs), or tumor burden, suggesting that lymphoma was
         cal pilot studies in both dogs and cats with OA; analgesic relief   not sensitive to this basic dietary alteration. 252  During this study the
                                                               REE and RQ assessed during treatment did not change significantly
         without associated side effects was achieved.  Nevertheless, more  preclinical and clinical evaluations need to be performed to pro-  when the tumor burden was eliminated through chemotherapy, sug-
                                                               gesting that no significant changes occurred in energy expenditure
         vide a better understanding of the potential role of such a targeted
         agent in small animal clinical practice.              or metabolism. These data collectively indicate that removal of the
                                                               tumor burden does not alter the resting energy requirement (RER)
                                                               and that no fundamental differences were observed between normal
          SECTION B: NUTRITIONAL MANAGEMENT OF                 healthy dogs and dogs with lymphoma.
          THE CANCER PATIENT                                      Canine nonhematopoietic malignancies were also examined
                                                               in this context before and 4 to 6 weeks after excision of the pri-
                                                               mary tumors (including mammary carcinoma, OSA, high-grade
         JOSEPH WAKSHLAG                                       mast cell tumors [MCTs], and lung carcinoma). As in dogs with
                                                               lymphoma, the REE was no different from that of control dogs,
         Over the past 80 years the examination of nutrients and their rela-  and no difference in REE was seen before and after excision of
         tionship to cancer and cancer prevention has led to a better under-  the primary tumor, suggesting no futile cycling of energy in these
         standing of how nutrition may play a role in the management of   patients. 253  Interestingly, the RQ values were above 0.8 for all con-
         the disease. The paucity of well-controlled studies in companion   trol and tumor-bearing dogs, suggesting that the resting energy
         animals and the extrapolation of data derived from humans stud-  was not from lipolysis; this was contradictory to a follow-up study
         ies in the investigation of uncommon tumor types in companion   performed in dogs with OSA. In dogs with OSA, a difference was
         animals (colon, prostate, pancreas) are frustrating and make general   observed in the REE; affected dogs had a higher REE than control
         recommendations for nutritional interventions challenging. How-  dogs, and the RQ was closer to 0.7 in both affected and control
         ever, owners often wish to alter their pets’ feeding regimen, regardless   dogs. 254  This increased REE was still present after excision of the
         of proven efficacy. That said, three areas of nutrition often are dis-  primary lesion, suggesting that the modest increase in REE was
         cussed with clients: modification of tumor metabolism; adjustment   due to factors other than the primary neoplasia and could possibly
         of nutritional risk factors that may affect outcomes; and nutritional   be associated with micrometastasis, inflammation associated with
         intervention during therapy. All of these are addressed in this section.   neoplastic disease, or heightened pain response associated with the
                                                               primary tumor and surgical procedure. 254  These findings were sur-
         Metabolism of Cancer                                  prising in light of the previously mentioned studies but likely were
                                                               more valid considering that the REE calculations were based on
         Substrate Utilization                                 lean mass rather than total kilograms of body weight in the OSA
                                                               study. 254  In general, fat mass is considered to be metabolically
         Numerous neoplastic cell lines have been propagated successfully   inert; therefore an REE based on lean body mass is more appropri-
         in cell culture, allowing examination of cellular behavior. One   ate. The previous studies in nonhematopoietic malignancies and
         fundamental finding from cell culture is that most neoplastic cells   lymphoma did not adjust for body condition or lean body mass in
         propagate  better in  a  high-glucose  media.  This  likely  is  due  to   tumor-bearing or normal populations, 252,253  and the inability to
         limited fatty acid metabolism coupled with increases in metabolic   document differences in REE noted in these two studies may have
         pathways that utilize glucose; this traditionally has been termed   been at least partly due to a lack of body condition assessment.
         the “Warburg effect,” after Otto Warburg’s seminal work suggest-  Metabolic changes were observed in dogs with OSA in addi-
         ing that glycolysis is the primary pathway for energy production in   tion to an increased REE. Alterations in glucose metabolism
         neoplastic cells. 246,247  Studies in humans have shown that certain   (potentially higher glucose turnover), increased protein turnover,
         cancer patients liberate excessive lactate from solid tumors, 248,249    and urinary protein losses in affected dogs were also observed. 254
         providing evidence that glycolysis and pyruvate production are   Studies in dogs with lymphoma identified alterations in carbo-
         critical to neoplastic  cell metabolism.  This has led to the Cori   hydrate metabolism, such as increased serum lactate, and insulin
         cycle hypothesis of neoplasia; that is, neoplastic tissue, much like   concentrations during glucose tolerance testing suggesting insulin
         skeletal muscle tissue, appears to undergo regeneration of glucose   resistance. 251,255,256  This may be partially explained by aberrant
         from lactate through hepatic resynthesis of glucose. 250  Unfortu-  interleukin-6 (IL-6) cytokine influences on glucose metabolism
         nately, this regeneration of glucose is an energy-costly cycle and is   resulting in insulin resistance in dogs with lymphoma. 257  Insulin
         thought to contribute to increases in resting energy requirements.  insensitivity and serum lactate did not change once remission was
            In veterinary medicine a significant body of work has examined   achieved in one of the previously mentioned studies.  251  Addition-
         metabolism and cancer, often through the application of indirect   ally, mild alterations in lipid metabolism in dogs with lymphoma
         calorimetry assessments to study whole body metabolism. Such stud-  were seen as higher basal triglyceride and cholesterol concentra-
         ies investigate oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide liberation;   tions compared with control dogs, 258  and treatment with doxo-
         the ratios of carbon dioxide production to oxygen consumption can   rubicin lowered serum cholesterol, perhaps as a result of hepatic
         provide estimates of energy consumption (resting energy expendi-  effects of the chemotherapy 258 ; however, the dyslipidemia was
         ture [REE]) and substrate utilization (respiratory quotient [RQ]).   not ameliorated once the primary tumor burden was eliminated,
         In one study healthy dogs displayed a higher REE than dogs with   which is logical in light of the insulin resistance observed. 
         stage III or stage IV lymphoma. 251  RQ values between the groups
         were no different, suggesting that the dogs were all burning similar   Anorexia and Cachexia
         substrate and that the dogs with lymphoma were not preferentially
         burning more glucose than their control counterparts. 251  Dogs with   Anorexia is common in cancer patients. In some patients this
         lymphoma that were fed either a high-fat or a high-carbohydrate diet   may be partially explained by adverse events associated with the
         during doxorubicin chemotherapy did not differ in remission times,   use of chemotherapy. Chemotherapeutics can cause a variety of
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