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CHAPTER 16  Supportive Care for the Cancer Patient  301

           alterations in olfactory and taste senses. 258  Because dogs and cats   Epidemiology, Prevention, and Risk Factors
           rely heavily on olfactory cues, the loss of olfactory bulb stimulus   In humans the two major nutritional factors associated with the
                                             Additionally, the loss
           diminishes the palatability of foods.  or alteration of taste (ageusia or dysgeusia) can further complicate   relative risk of developing cancer are body weight (obesity) and
                                                                 fruit and vegetable consumption.
           anorexia and may last for several months before neuronal regen-
                                                                                                 Although these param-
           eration can take place at the olfactory bulb and tongue. 258,259  eters may be interrelated, both appear to play a role in carcinogen-
             Cachexia,  on  the  other hand,  although  identified  in many   esis. Convincing data indicate that the westernized diet and lack
           human cancer patients, does not appear to be common in dogs   of fruit and vegetable matter are linked to an increased relative
           with nonhematopoietic malignancies. 251,255,260,261  Evidence in   risk of nearly all types of neoplasia, including prostate, colon, and
           humans and mouse models suggests that the most prominent   breast cancers, lymphomas, and leukemias. 275–277  It is not yet clear
           influence inciting the cachectic phenomenon  may be excessive   whether this increased relative risk is due to a decreased dietary
           cytokine stimulation, which leads to insulin resistance, extensive   intake of fiber, carotenoids, and flavonoids or to an increased
           lipolysis, and proteolysis of tissue stores. 262,263  The three primary   intake of saturated fat and protein. In people consuming higher
           cytokines thought to be involved in promoting enhanced proteol-  amounts of fruits and vegetables, it is apparent that combined fac-
           ysis are tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-1β (IL-  tors may be involved, in addition to confounding lifestyle differ-
           1β), and IL-6. 262,263  TNF-α and IL-1β have both been directly   ences, that may be important.
           associated with anorexia and upregulation of the mitochondrial   Few studies in veterinary medicine have examined the effects
           uncoupling protein, whereas IL-6 and TNF-α have been observed   of dietary substrate (protein, fat, and carbohydrate) and plant-
           to increase myofibrillar degradation machinery—all of which may   based dietary intake and cancer incidence. Two epidemiologic
           play a role in the anorexia/cachexia syndrome associated with neo-  studies used validated food frequency questionnaires to exam-
           plasia. 264,265  IL-6 and C-reactive protein, both markers of inflam-  ine the calories coming from fat, protein, and carbohydrate
           mation, are increased in canine lymphoma patients. 257,266,267    for 1 year before diagnosis of mammary carcinoma and after
           Yet it does not appear that cachexia is a common occurrence in   diagnosis and compared this with survival data. 278,279  This data
           dogs diagnosed with neoplasia, because dogs examined 6 months   was contradictory to human findings because dogs with an
           before diagnosis of cancer showed no difference in body weight   increased protein intake had increased STs after diagnosis, and
           or body condition than when presenting with various neopla-  fat and carbohydrate intake did not play a role in progression
           sias. 260  This may be partially explained by differences in common   of the disease. 278,279  In another study the risk of neoplasia was
           tumor types between species. Cachexia in humans is often associ-  increased in dogs fed nontraditional, poorly balanced diets (i.e.,
           ated with epithelial cancers, such as pancreatic, colon, mammary,   table foods as primary consumption). 280  Further examination
           and prostate cancer. Additionally, human patients undergo dra-  showed no association between blood selenium concentration
           matically different and more aggressive treatment protocols over   and mammary carcinomas compared with healthy, age-matched
           lengthy periods, which we typically do not encounter in veterinary   and hospitalized control dogs; however, tissue retinol status was
           medicine because of owners’ financial constraints and quality of   decreased in dogs with mammary carcinoma. 280  Whether the
           life decisions.                                       lower serum retinol resulted from the dogs being fed a commer-
             Cats  may  show a  more  typical  cachectic  response  involving   cial diet with inadequate retinol or was a manifestation of the
           excessive lean body mass wasting. Approximately 56% of cats with   disease was not determined. Because feeding an incomplete diet
           lymphoma and other solid tumors have body condition scores less   was associated with an increased risk, feeding a complete and
           than 5 out of 9. 268  More intriguing is that the ST for cats with   balanced commercial diet is highly recommended. These results
           lymphoma with a body condition score of 5 or greater was 16.9   are not surprising considering that food stuffs and methods of
           months, compared with 3.3 months for cats with lower scores. 268    feeding are dramatically different between dogs and people. In
           This warrants monitoring of caloric intake and aggressive imple-  many cases a high-protein food may be evaluated as higher qual-
           mentation of nutritional interventions in feline oncology patients.  ity because protein is an expensive ingredient; therefore many
             These sensitivities should be taken into consideration during   confounding variables—such as ingredient inclusion, ingredi-
           radiation therapy, for which cats often stay overnight and are   ent  quality,  digestibility,  and  owner  socioeconomic-associated
           fasted for multiple days in a row. Providing ample time to consume   health provisions—should be considered in studies of this
           calorie-dense foods should be considered for the hospitalized cat   nature,  and  such  studies  cannot be  directly  compared  with
           to ensure that food is offered often enough for the cat to maintain   human studies.
           a normal caloric intake. Anecdotally, 19 of 20 cats undergoing RT   A study that examined nutritional risk factors in Scottish terri-
           at the author’s (JJW) facility for a month lost weight during treat-  ers, which have a genetic predisposition to developing transitional
           ment, suggesting that feeding patterns and weight loss should be   cell carcinoma (TCC), found that the addition of vegetables to
           monitored and ameliorated when possible.              the diet resulted in a lower incidence of the disease 281 ; however,
             Metronomic feeding surrounding chemotherapy protocols   there were confounding lifestyle factors that cannot be accounted
           may be beneficial to tumor growth and progression. The exact   for in this epidemiologic investigation, including better health
           nature of how this would be implemented in dogs and cats is in its   care, variation in nutrition supplied as commercial food, and
           infancy; however, the concept of starving the tumor during che-  other associated environmental exposures. Nevertheless, the find-
           motherapy may be beneficial for chemotherapeutic efficacy. 269,270    ings of this study are provocative and suggest that further study is
           The typical protocols involve either not feeding the patient or   warranted.
           limiting feeding in the 24 to 72 hours before chemotherapy to   Recent investigations of specific nutrients and cancer treat-
           help sensitize the tumor cells to a more stressful environment and   ment primarily have focused on oxidative damage in tumors
           dampen the inflammation associated with the tumor. Many clini-  and antioxidants (addressed in a later section of the chapter).
           cal trials are underway in humans to achieve a better understand-  Specific vitamins and their relationship to cancer development
           ing of this phenomenon.                               have received significant attention, including retinol, ascorbic
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