Page 330 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
P. 330

308   PART III    Therapeutic Modalities for the Cancer Patient

                                           Cell signaling event             activation or leukotriene     PLA 2  activation      activation or prostaglandin
                          and oxo-ETE receptors
                                                     Arachidonic acid release

                                                  Leukotriene   Prostaglandin
                                                synthase activity  synthase activity
                                           LTB 4 ,                          PGE 2 ,
                                         5-oxo-ETE,      5-LOX COX          other
                                       other eicosanoids                  eicosanoids

                          • Fig. 16.5  Arachidonic acid (AA) is released from the cell membrane as a result of cell signaling events that
                          lead to nuclear translocation of AA. Cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase activity, coupled with leukotriene
                          synthase or prostaglandin synthase, allows the formation of bioactive eicosanoids; when released, these
                          can have autocrine or paracrine cell proliferation signaling activities, depending on receptor presence.

         skeletal muscle in cats may respond to a higher protein intake by   lean body mass and possibly reduce the tumor growth rate. 337–344
         increasing lean mass slightly. With these ideas in mind, we often   These fatty acids may transform into inert eicosanoids (PGE ,
         recommend feeding cats higher protein (>35% dry matter) and fat   LTB , 12-HEPE, and 5-HEPE) rather than proinflammatory
         (>20% dry matter); dogs can be fed similarly, even though many   eicosanoids (PGE , LTB , 12-HETE and 5-HETE). The pathways
         commercial dog foods have lower protein levels (typically >30%   and eicosanoids liberated are highly dependent on the enzymatic
         dry matter is recommended) than cat food.             machinery present in the cells. Although the addition of fatty acids
                                                               into the cell membrane may affect intracellular signaling events,
         Amino Acids                                           the intracellular enzymatic machinery that modifies the primary
                                                               fatty acid into promitogenic, or inert, eicosanoids may be more
         The benefits of additional protein to the diet of cancer patients   important. 343–346  Cell signaling events that lead to the release of
         may result from increased circulating amino acids as inhibitory   arachidonic acid from the cell membrane can be converted to eico-
         molecules in neoplastic cell proliferation. 328  Arginine has received   sanoids which, when released from the cell, can have local or para-
         considerable attention, because low millimolar concentrations of   crine effects on cell growth through interactions with eicosanoid
         arginine can inhibit various neoplastic cell lines by altering cell   receptors (Fig. 16.5). The two enzymes that have received the most
         cycle progression. 331–334  A diet higher in arginine and omega-3   attention are cyclooxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase because of the
         fatty acids improved remission and STs in dogs with lym-  promitogenic mechanisms of action observed by their respective
         phoma 257 ; however, the practicality of using an amino acid sup-  eicosanoids, PGE  (COX) and 5-oxoETE/LTB  (5-LOX). 343–346
         plement such as arginine leaves much to be desired, because the   Although this may be relevant to many types of human cancers,
         required dose is in excess of 100 mg/kg body weight. Additionally,   little data is available on companion animals; the most intriguing
         the bitter taste of arginine and the potential for creating amino   studies focused on the use of COX inhibition in TCC. 347,348
         acid imbalance prevent its use in long-term feeding regimens. The   A study in dogs with cancer that were fed a fish-based. omega-3
         benefits of glutamine also have been touted because of its abilities   fatty acid–enhanced diet showed a small improvement in STs;
         to preserve lean body mass and enhance mucosal barrier func-  however, there were multiple changes in the dietary trial, including
         tion 335,336 ; however, enterocytes’ ability to utilize glutamine and   arginine and energy substrate differences, which may have played
         first-pass hepatic metabolism do not allow glutamine to have any   a role. 257  The increased EPA may inhibit promitogenic eicosanoid
         pronounced effects on lean mass. The use of high-protein mixed   formation 346 ; but it is unclear to what tumor types this may apply.
         meals to support enterocyte health and mucosal barrier function   Some neoplastic tissues use the proinflammatory cytokine milieu
         often is recommended anyway.                          to promote proliferation or upregulate pathways that may pro-
                                                               mote metastasis. 349  The benefits of fish oils may go beyond mild
         Polyunsaturated Fats                                  suppression of tumor cell proliferation, because the antiinflam-
                                                               matory effects of fish oil may also quench the inflammatory reac-
         Using fat in diets is helpful for increasing palatability and energy   tions associated with certain cancers. 350–352  Hence, there is little
         density, but in many instances the fatty acid constituents can   downside to increasing dietary omega-3 fatty acid consumption in
         influence neoplastic cell growth. Human and rodent model stud-  cancer patients. The lack of clinical studies in this area precludes
         ies suggest that consumption of high concentrations of omega-3   an optimal dosing regimen, and the findings of a recent meta-
         fatty acids, namely eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexae-  analysis of human trials using fish oils for quality of life issues were
         noic acid (DHA), in the form of marine oils may perturb loss of   inconclusive. 353  Additionally, cats seem to be more sensitive to fish
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