Page 383 - Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology, 6th Edition
P. 383

CHAPTER 19  Tumors of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissues  361

           invasion, including through the cartilage of the ear canal, can   Several prognostic factors have been identified  for ceruminous
           occur. Advanced imaging (CT or MRI) is indicated to better   gland adenocarcinomas (Table 19.4). In cats a proposed grading
                                                                 scheme was not prognostic for survival, but a mitotic index ≤2
           delineate the extent of local disease before surgery. Skull radio-  graphs revealed lysis of the bulla in 13 of 27 dogs with malig-  predicted improved survival. 160  A correlation between mitotic
                                                                 index and tumor grade was also noted in a series of cats and dogs
           nant tumors of the ear canal, and sclerosis of the bulla was
           evident in eight dogs. 154  LN and distant metastasis are uncom-  treated with RT, although the small sample size precluded further
           mon, with LN metastasis diagnosed cytologically in 1 of 30   evaluation for prognostic significance. 157  The overriding conclu-
           dogs and pulmonary metastasis in 3 of 35 dogs, in addition   sion from the series of studies regarding treatment for ceruminous
           to one dog with a lytic bone lesion. 154  In cats with malignant   gland  adenocarcinoma  is  that,  with  appropriate  local  therapy,
           ceruminous gland adenocarcinomas, 5 of 27 cats had lysis of   long-term survival is possible. 
           the bulla on skull radiographs, and five cats had sclerosis of the
           bulla. 154  Five of 56 cats had cytologic evidence of regional LN   Tumors of the Digit
           metastasis, but none of 32 cats evaluated had evidence of dis-
           tant metastasis. 154  A staging scheme adopted from the human   The  most  common  malignant  digit  tumors  of  dogs  include  SCC
           ear canal tumors has been proposed for primary tumors of the   (47%), melanoma (24%), STS (13%), MCT (8%), osteosarcoma
           ear canal in cats and dogs (Table 19.3). 157          (OSA, 3%), round cell sarcoma, adenocarcinoma, malignant adnexal
             Surgery is recommended for excision of noninvasive ear   tumor, HSA, lymphoma, chondrosarcoma, giant cell tumor of bone,
           canal tumors; total ear canal ablation and lateral bulla oste-  and synovial cell sarcoma. Benign and nonneoplastic diseases of the
           otomy (TECA-LBO) is most commonly indicated. 158,159  Local   canine digits include pyogranulomatous inflammation, epithelial
           tumor recurrence was significantly decreased in both dogs and   inclusion cysts, IKA, benign adnexal tumors, histiocytoma, hem-
           cats treated with  TECA-LBO compared with those treated   angioma, BCT, intraosseous epidermoid cyst, infiltrating lipoma,
           with a lateral ear canal resection. 158,159  The MST for cats and   fibroma, papilloma, hamartoma, trichoblastoma, keratoma, and
           dogs with malignant ear canal tumors treated with  TECA-  plasmacytoma. 161,162  The median age at diagnosis is 10 years. 161,163
           LBO was 42 to 50.3 months and not reached at 36 months,   Approximately 3% of dogs with digital SCC have involvement of
           respectively. 158–160  RT also appears effective for the treatment   multiple digits. These dogs are typically large breed dogs with a black
           of ceruminous gland adenocarcinoma 157 ; six cats and five dogs   hair coat. 164,165  Predisposed breeds for multiple digit SCCs include
           treated with orthovoltage RT (12 4-Gy fractions for a total   standard poodles, black Labrador retrievers, giant schnauzers, Gor-
           dose of 48 Gy) had an estimated mean PFS of 39.5 months and   don setters, rottweilers, Beaucerons, and Briards.  Additional breeds
           a 1-year PFS rate of 56%.                             that may be predisposed to digital SCC include dachshunds and flat-
                                                                 coated retrievers.  The thoracic limbs are more commonly affected
                                                                 than the pelvic limbs.  Scottish terriers were overrepresented in dogs
                                                                 with digital malignant melanomas. 162
                         Proposed Staging Scheme for Primary
            TABLE 19.3                                             The definitive diagnosis of a digital mass can be difficult in
                       Tumors of the Ear Canal 165               both cats and dogs. A review of pathologists demonstrated a 20%
             T 1  Tumor confined to the external or horizontal ear canal  rate of disagreement in the diagnosis of digital tumors, with 75%
                                                                 of the changes in diagnosis being clinically significant. 166  The dif-
             T 2  Tumor extending beyond the tympanic membrane   ferentiation between SCC and IKA was most difficult.
             T 3  Tumor extending beyond the middle ear/bone destruction  The most common digital tumors in cats include SCC (25%),
                                                                 fibrosarcoma  (23%), adenocarcinoma  (22%), OSA  (8%),  HSA

            TABLE 19.4     Prognostic Factors for Primary Tumors of the Ear Canal
             Prognostic Factor                                      Species       Median Survival (Months)  Reference
             Mitoses per high power field  ≤2                       Feline        ≈180                   160
                                       ≥3                                         ≈24
             Extension beyond the ear canal  No                     Canine        30                     154
                                       Yes                                        5.9
             Presence of neurologic signs  No                       Feline        15.5                   154
                                       Yes                                        1.5
             Histology                 Ceruminous gland adenocarcinoma  Feline    49                     154
                                       Squamous cell carcinoma                    3.8
                                       Carcinoma of unknown origin                5.7
             Extension beyond the ear canal  No                     Feline        21.7                   154
                                       Yes                                        4
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