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vi                                                   About the Editors  articles, and three book chapters to his credit. He has presented more than 25

            papers at various seminars, symposia, and conferences.

            Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui, PhD

            Dr. Mohammed  Wasim Siddiqui is an  Assistant Professor  and Scientist
            in the  Department  of Food Science  and  Post-Harvest  Technology, Bihar
            Agricultural University, Sabour, India, and author or co-author of 31 peer-
            reviewed research articles, 26 book chapters, two manuals, and 18 confer-
            ence papers. He has 11 edited and authored books to his credit, published by
            Elsevier, CRC Press, Springer, and Apple Academic Press. Dr. Siddiqui has
            established an international peer-reviewed journal, Journal of Postharvest
            Technology. He is Editor-in-Chief of two book series (Postharvest Biology
            and  Technology and Innovations in Horticultural  Science), published by
            Apple Academic Press. Dr. Siddiqui is also a Senior Acquisitions Editor in
            Apple Academic Press, New Jersey, USA, for horticultural science. He has
            been serving as an editorial board member and active reviewer of several
            international journals, including LWT- Food Science and Technology (Else-
            vier), Food Science and Nutrition (Wiley), Acta Physiologiae Plantarum
            (Springer), Journal of Food Science  and Technology  (Springer),  Indian
            Journal of Agricultural Science (ICAR), etc.
               Dr. Siddiqui received  the Best  Young Researcher  Award (2015) by
            GRABS Educational Trust, Chennai, India, and the Young Scientist Award
            (2015) by Venus International Foundation, Chennai, India. He was also a
            recipient of the Young Achiever Award (2014) for outstanding research work
            by the Society for Advancement of Human and Nature (SADHNA), Nauni,
            Himachal Pradesh, India, where he is an honorary board member and life
            time author. He has been an active member of the organizing committees of
            several national and international seminars, conferences, and summits. He
            is one of key members in establishing the World Food Preservation Center
            (WFPC), LLC, USA, and is currently an active associate and supporter.
               Dr. Siddiqui  acquired  a  BSc (Agriculture)  degree  from  Jawaharlal
            Nehru  Krishi  Vishwa  Vidyalaya,  Jabalpur,  India.  He received  his  MSc
            (Horticulture) and PhD (Horticulture) degrees from Bidhan Chandra Krishi
            Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia, India, with specialization in Postharvest
            Technology. He was awarded an Maulana Azad National Fellowship Award
            from the University Grants Commission, New-Delhi, India. He is a member
            of Core Research Group at the Bihar Agricultural University (BAU), which
            provides appropriate  direction  and assistance  in prioritizing  research.  He
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