Page 79 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 79

Pointing light at soft tissue: clinical applications          65

                   (a)                              (b)                             (c)

                                                                                     Figure 7.6 (a, b) A 3-week-old bite
                                                                                     wound in a Greyhound presented with
                                                                                     dehiscence and some necrotic tissue.
                                                                                     (c, d) After five LT treatments with 5
                                                                                     J/cm  it was debrided and granulated,
                                                                                     ready for suturing. The wound was also
                                                                                     lavaged and covered with a bandage,
                                                                                     using alginate as primary dressing.
                                                                                     When alginate is saturated and ready
                                                                                     to be changed, it has this jelly-like
                                                                                     appearance, which should not be
                   (d)                              (e)                              mistaken for infection. (e) The sutures
                                                                                     were removed 12 days later.

                      tool, tissue healing is going to be enhanced. Well, of   rule, wounds are better if covered; moist wound care
                      course wound care is at least as important as LT.  has been proven better for a long time in humans, and
                   •  If you do moist wound care and you do not want   is gaining ground in veterinary medicine, as opposed to
                      to remove the primary dressing, would the light   the old paradigm of “let it dry and breathe.”
                      be absorbed in the same way through alginate, a   For highly  exudative  wounds, especially  if some
                      hydrogel, or a transparent film? The answer is no:   debridement is needed, one of the best contact layers to
                      some material will transmit much more light to the   choose is an alginate dressing, either with plain calcium
                      underlying tissue and we will discuss this here.  alginate or silver-impregnated. It is also hemostatic; but
                                                                     remember you do not want to laser an active hemor-
                     Appropriate dressings and bandages prevent trauma   rhage though. This is more often used whenever there
                   (including self-trauma) and contamination. When   is still some debridement to do and a higher amount of
                   properly used, they contribute to patient comfort and   exudate to evacuate. Bandage changes are performed
                   can help remove exudates and create an optimal envi-  every 24–72 h, depending on how fast the dressing
                   ronment for wound healing. The selected type of dress-  saturates. When it is ready to be changed, it looks like
                   ing depends on the amount of exudate you expect and   jelly and comes off very easily, making the change com-
                   the phase of healing the wound is at, but as a general   fortable for the patient (Fig. 7.6). If the alginate dressing

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