Page 81 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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Pointing light at soft tissue: clinical applications          67

                      have said, if you treat a chronic wound with 4–5   achieve a biological effect, and steroid treatment
                      J/cm  and after 1–2 treatments (in 24–72 h) it    may also change that threshold.
                      looks the same, stimulate it more. You can use a   •  Endocrine disorders: diabetes, Cushing’s, hypo-
                      higher dose (more J/cm ), a higher power density   thyroidism, and Addison’s can be quite a challenge,
                      (more W/cm ) or both. I tend to maintain power    especially Addison’s.
                      density around 0.2–0.5 W/cm  but increase dose   •  Paraneoplastic  syndromes can  dramatically
                      (by 30–100%) by increasing treatment time when    alter wound healing – usually other symptoms are
                      I want to stimulate a wound more. Underdosing is   present.
                      much more common in LT than overdosing; just   •  Nutritional deficits: an insufficient caloric and/or
                      don’t try to give that extra energy too fast (too   protein intake will affect wound healing. Some situa-
                      much power) or over too small a spot (too much    tions, such as burns, post-ops, and severe infections,
                      power density).                                   require a higher protein intake. Vitamins A and E,
                   •  Consider other factors that may interfere with the   zinc, copper, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids
                      healing process: I suggest you read the “Guidelines   are especially relevant to proper wound healing.
                      to aid healing of acute wounds by decreasing imped-  •  Immune and/or infectious diseases, such as leish-
                      iments of healing” [217]  for a more extensive review of   maniasis (which is unfortunately very common in
                      local and systemic factors affecting wound healing   Southern Europe) will have an effect. This does
                      and the level of evidence behind them. The Wound   not mean you will not achieve wound closure in an
                      Healing Society categorizes local factors into    immune-suppressed patient, but it may take longer.
                      wound perfusion, tissue viability, hematoma and/  In  an  experimental  study  with  hydrocortisone-
                      or seroma, infection, and mechanical factors. LT   induced  immunosuppressed  rats,  LT  improved
                      improves blood supply, oxygenation, and metabo-   wound  closure  and  decreased  inflammation. [48]
                      lism, which affects both perfusion and viability. LT   Interestingly, 10 Hz seemed to work better than 100
                      should not be used if there is active bleeding, since   Hz in these rats. Leishmaniasis patients may expe-
                      we would increase hematoma, but after bleeding is   rience more challenges  when it comes to wound
                      controlled it can help resolve the hematoma faster,   healing, but in my experience LT is very likely
                      decrease the risk of seroma formation, and decrease   to  help  them  too  when  it  comes  to  wounds  and
                      bacterial counts in infected wound and burns.     pododermatitis.
                      Mechanical factors such as licking or other forms
                      of self-trauma to the wound are very common in              7.3 Lick granuloma
                      small animal practice, much more than in human
                      medicine. Many owners report their that animals   This is one of the conditions in which you often have to
                      pay less attention to the wound after LT, but we still   significantly increase the dose, and it is not uncommon
                      need to find the best way to protect the wound while   to end up using 20–30 J/cm , especially in the more
                      keeping the patient comfortable.               chronic and hyperplastic lesions. Nevertheless, some
                                                                     patients respond to 4–5 J/cm , which is a usual dose for
                     If local factors seem to be under control but the   chronic wounds. You can use 2–4 W. Do not hesitate
                   wound is not properly progressing, consider systemic   to broaden the treatment area and treat a 5 cm margin
                   factors that may be contributing to this delay – these   (Table 7.2).
                   are just a few.                                      The etiology of lick granulomas is multifactorial, and
                                                                     often not even diagnosed. Behavior disorders, atopy,
                   •  Steroid treatment affects wound healing, whether   folliculitis, and other causes are considered, but some
                      you laser the wound or not. But LT will help coun-  animals  enter  this  cycle  because  a  painful  condition
                      teract those inhibitory effects of steroids. [118]  One   is present, in the granuloma area or at a distant site,
                      paper described no effect of LT in steroid-treated   and this should be ruled out and treated if diagnosed.
                      rats, [137]  but they were using 1–15 mW/cm , whereas   Neuropathic pruritus and dysesthesia may also occur,
                      you will be using around 200–600 mW/cm  most   for example in intervertebral  disk disease  and nerve
                      of the time while working with class IV devices   root irritation. Investigate these as potential causes;
                      and wounds. You need a certain power density to   if you think there is such a component, you need to

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