Page 86 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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72                             Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                     about 100 times better through the tympanic mem-
                     brane than through the mastoid portion of the tempo-
                     ral bone. [223]
                        The first benefit you will notice from adding LT is a
                     faster resolution of inflammation and pain. Some mild
                     cases will not need any treatment other than LT, but
                     others will definitely require topical medications, and
                     sometimes also oral. A severe, purulent, and ulcerative
                     otitis does need other treatments. Plus LT is never a
                     substitute for a local ear cleaner. My advice is that when
                     you first start to work with LT, you do not change your
                     usual treatment protocol; just add the laser. Once you
                     become more used to it, you will feel more confident   Figure 7.11 Direct exposure of the vertical ear canal.
                     in predicting its clinical effects. Please, remember the
                     importance of antibiograms.
                        Before you start treating, eliminate debris and secre-
                     tion to a reasonable extent and remove topical prod-
                     ucts to a reasonable extent – full removal is usually not
                     possible in this location. The pinna can be treated as if
                     it was an acute/chronic wound, in non-contact mode,
                     with quite similar considerations for dose and power
                     – usually acute wound settings are enough (Table 7.4).

                     •  Use 2–6 J/cm : start with the lower dose, but con-
                        sider increasing it if by the third treatment you don’t
                        see a response, especially if it is a chronic case.
                     •  Use 1.5–3 W of average power.
                     •  This area can be more sensitive than a wound in   Figure 7.12 Contact treatment of the ear canal through the
                        some dogs and keeping a low power density is    skin.
                        important. Depending on the patient’s tolerance,
                        use 0.2–0.6 W/cm . In an acute flare-up, with very   from a caudolateral position, aiming down the canal as
                        inflamed skin, choose a lower power density; for   you do when you move the ear to explore it with an
                        chronic refractory cases with not so much reactiv-  otoscope (Fig. 7.11). To reach within the ear canal from
                        ity, you may choose the higher end of the range.   the lateral, cranial, and caudal aspects, more power,
                        Nevertheless, the patient will tell you if it is too   dose,  and  power  density  are  used  (about  double  for
                        much, for example by flinching the ear.         each) to penetrate skin and cartilage, and contact, if tol-
                                                                        erated, improves penetration (Fig. 7.12). It is advisable
                        With proper positioning of the ear, light can be   to combine both direct exposure and treatment from
                     focused inside the vertical  ear canal in non-contact   outside, and to include the projection area of the bulla
                     mode  (remember  to  keep  moving  your hand-piece),   in the outer treatment.

                     Table 7.4 Recommended parameters for otitis.
                                                   Dose (J/cm )        Power (W)           Power density (W/cm )
                             Acute, pinna              2–4                1–3                     0.2–0.6
                             Acute, canal              4–6                3–4                      0.6–1
                            Chronic, pinna             4–6                2–3                     0.2–0.6
                            Chronic, canal             6–12               4–8                     0.8–1.2

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