Page 91 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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Pointing light at soft tissue: clinical applications          77

                   Figure 7.17 Lip retraction to expose the gingiva.  Figure 7.18 If the patient does not tolerate doggles, the
                                                                     assistant can help protect the eyes and the therapist will
                                                                     retract the lips.
                   7.18), but caudal stomatitis may benefit from sedating
                   the  patient  to  better  reach  those  surfaces.  Of  course
                   this is not always an option, especially if the patient is in   – of course, you may combine LT with other medical
                   a very poor clinical condition, as often happens in cats   approaches. Once the condition improves, treat every
                   with severe oral pain, unable to properly eat for quite   other day for a week and then try to decrease to twice a
                   some time and with concomitant systemic disease. For   week, and so on. Chronic cases will, of course, require
                   these cases, though, LT with a closed or partially open   maintenance treatment, for which the frequency is very
                   mouth can help provide analgesia  and improve oral   dependent on the case.
                   feeding, with an awake patient and no side effects, until   The best technique for cats is to place them with the
                   the general condition allows sedation if necessary for   head over the edge of a table, and have an assistant/
                   better exposure.                                  owner holding them from the back, protecting the eyes.
                     The dose and power used depend on whether the   Most cats like being surrounded or embraced even
                   treatment is directly over the mucosa, with the mouth   if they don’t enjoy other manipulations. The person
                   open, or with the mouth closed, from the outside. For   holding the laser can then access the mouth from both
                   a direct treatment, the starting dose is 2–4 J/cm , with   sides and from under the cat, to reach into the inter-
                   1–3 W of power and a low power density, 0.2–0.8 W/  mandibular space. Very often, you will notice that after
                   cm . If our aim is to treat from the outside, then these   1–2 minutes the cat seems more relaxed and moves the
                   parameters increase 2–3 times: 6–10 J/cm  and 4–6   tongue a bit, feeling more comfortable.
                   W, and we also need a higher power density, about
                   1 W/cm , unless we are dealing with a very sensitive         7.9 Abdominal organs
                   patient (Table 7.7). For your treatment area calcula-
                   tions, include the intermandibular space. I tend to treat   Abdominal organs also suffer from inflammatory and
                   at least half the mouth, even for localized problems,   painful conditions, and therefore they may also be
                   rather than using the laser for a few seconds over a   a target for LT. As with any treatment, how we treat
                   small spot.                                       intra-abdominal organs depends on how we reach
                     In cases of severe pain, start treating on several   them and what amount of energy and delivery mode we
                   consecutive  days  until  you achieve  good  analgesia   want to use. They can be reached during a laparotomy

                   Table 7.7 Recommended parameters for oral treatments.
                                                 Dose (J/cm )        Power (W)            Power density (W/cm )
                         Direct treatment            2–4                1–3                     0.2–0.8
                           Through skin             6–10                4–6                      0.6–1

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