Page 94 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 94

80                             Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                        For open abdominal treatments, your parameters
                     would be as follows.

                     •  Dose: 1–4 J/cm . If you are unsure, use 1 J/cm , wait
                        for a couple of minutes for a tissue response, and
                        decide whether you want to repeat the dose or not.
                     •  Average power: in the range 0.5–2 W.
                     •  Power density should be kept low, around 0.1 W/
                        cm .
                                     7.10 Airway

                     Different respiratory disorders may benefit from LT,
                     as reported in studies on sinusitis, pleurisy, and other
                     conditions. Let’s review what’s been published, from   Figure 7.19 Treatment of the nasal sinus with smaller hand-
                     the upper to the lower airway segments, and the par-  piece while protecting the eye with the hand.
                     ticularities of the treatment techniques.
                        Rhinitis and sinusitis can benefit both from the
                     anti-inflammatory effect of LT and the response to
                     infections: infectious rhinosinusitis can be helped by
                     decreasing bacterial counts with LT, according to an
                     experimental study in rabbits, in which a 2 log reduc-
                     tion in colony count was achieved. [181]  Some time
                     later, a study was conducted by the same researcher in
                     humans, in which LT and topical drugs were used in
                     combination, demonstrating that laser could not only
                     significantly decrease bacterial counts, but also poten-
                     tially resensitize bacteria to antimicrobials. [257]  A pilot
                     clinical study in human patients with chronic rhinitis
                     found significant improvement in patients’ ratings of
                     their own symptoms after ten LT sessions, although
                     there was no control/placebo group. [258]          Figure 7.20 Treatment with a longer hand-piece decreases
                        Allergic rhinitis can also be helped with LT accord-  power density.
                     ing to a mouse model [259]  and a pilot study in humans [260]
                     that reported decrease in pro-inflammatory cytokines,   Another potential application for LT is the postop-
                     lower histological damage to the nasal epithelium, and   erative treatment of brachycephalic dogs; an analgesic
                     symptomatic  improvement.  When treating  sinuses,   effect after tonsillectomy has been reported in human
                     aim the beam from different angles into the sinuses’   patients in a placebo-controlled study in which both
                     projection area and nasal cavity and away from the   visual analog scale rating and analgesic consumption
                     eyes,  which  should  be  carefully  protected  (Figs  7.19   decreased in the LT group. [261]
                     and 7.20). Start with 5 J/cm , and increase to 10 J/cm    Consider it before they even wake up, so you are able
                     if after  2–3 treatments  no change is noticed.  Keep a   to do a direct open-mouth treatment; treat the palate
                     power density of about 1 W/cm  and monitor the tem-  and pharynx with 1–4 J/cm  using low power density.
                     perature of the skin, since you will be moving the hand-  Treating the larynx from the outside requires you to
                     piece over a relatively small area. Ideally, we would treat   at least double the dose and power: so use 5–10 J/cm
                     on a daily basis for 2–3 sessions, but if that is not pos-  and 3–4 W. Research in this field is almost nonexistent;
                     sible at least three times a week must be the goal. Once   however, a study in rats did describe good results in a
                     a good improvement is achieved, spread visits apart   laryngitis model. [262]  Although you don’t want to treat
                     progressively.                                     directly over the thyroid area for a long time, you will

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