Page 97 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 97
Pointing light at soft tissue: clinical applications 83
Case index
Case no. 1 Case no. 2
N., chronic bilateral J., 2-year-old
Pseudomona otitis wound on left ear
Case no. 12
M., chronic Case no. 3
flank fistula due to
foreign body reaction C., bite wounds
and vascular
compromise, forelimb
Case no. 11
G., feline, large
wound, caudal back Case no. 4
D.J., chronic wound,
Case no. 10 caudal elbow
M., SSI (Streptococcus)
and severe inflammation,
Case no. 5
O., chronic wound
after STS removal, arm
Case no. 6
L., chronic wound over left
Case no. 8 carpus after STS removal
Case no. 9 K., infected
abdominal wound
B., chronic
foot pad wound (Klebsiella and Case no. 7
Candida ),
cranial abdomen N., traumatic
cut in the foot pad
Case no. 1: N., chronic bilateral Pseudomonas otitis
Case no. 2: J., 2-year-old wound on left ear
Case no. 3: C., bite wounds and vascular compromise, forelimb
Case no. 4: D.J., chronic wound, caudal elbow
Case no. 5: O., chronic wound after soft tissue sarcoma removal, arm
Case no. 6: L., chronic wound over left carpus after soft tissue sarcoma removal
Case no. 7: N., traumatic cut in the foot pad
Case no. 8: K., infected abdominal wound (Klebsiella and Candida), cranial abdomen
Case no. 9: B., chronic foot pad wound
Case no. 10: M., surgical site infection (Streptococcus) and severe inflammation, inguinal/hindlimb
Case no. 11: G., feline, large wound, caudal back
Case no. 12: M., chronic flank fistula due to foreign body reaction
REDONDO PRINT (4-COL BLEED).indd 83 08/08/2019 09:47