Page 92 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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78                             Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice

                     or with a transabdominal approach. Wait, wait, I’m not   if what has been achieved in experimental models
                     suggesting you cut your patient open to perform LT!!  can be reproduced in patients, but clinical studies are
                              7.9.1 Transabdominal treatments
                                                                        •  The ability of LT to enhance liver regeneration after
                     The list of potential applications includes conditions   partial hepatectomy: in a rat model, after removing
                     such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), cystitis, and   70% of the liver, the group that received LT showed
                     pancreatitis. But the evidence to encourage this does not   a 2.6-fold increase in the number of proliferating
                     come from clinical studies; it is based on experimental   cells and a 3.3-fold increase in the number of newly
                     models, clinical cases, and clinicians’ experiences.  formed vessels. [247]  Mitochondrial activity and
                        Reaching the middle of the abdominal cavity is prob-  serum alanine aminotransferase were also increased
                     ably not mandatory; some organs, such as the urinary   in another study. [248]  In contrast, in a similar hepa-
                     bladder, are just “behind” the muscle wall, and even   tectomy model carried out in elderly rats, LT was
                     closer lies the peritoneum, which plays a central role   not able to improve liver regeneration. [249]
                     in paracrine abdominal inflammation regulation – you   •  The protective effect of LT in models of ischemia-
                     have probably  noticed how different  degrees of peri-  reperfusion injury of the liver, applied transcutane-
                     tonitis can be seen when an intra-abdominal organ     ously: LT seems to decrease both histopathological
                     is inflamed. An experiment in mice with lipopoly-     changes and serum levels of biochemical markers
                     saccharide-induced peritonitis described how LT at    such as aminotransferase, TNF-α, malondialde-
                     a point “over the peritoneum” was able to reduce the   hyde, and glutathione. [250]
                     inflammatory infiltrate. [239]  If the patient tolerates being   •  Transcutaneous LT over several points of the liver
                     treated in contact, a gentle massage can really improve   ameliorated induced cirrhosis in a rat model: it
                     penetration. The coat is usually less dense here, and   improved liver function, decreased formation of
                     clipping is also better accepted than on the thorax, for   cirrhotic areas and inflammation, inhibited the
                     instance.                                             induction of hepatic stellate and Kupffer cell accu-
                        Reports of the effect of LT on pancreatic tissue come   mulation, and restored liver protein synthesis. [251]
                     from experimental studies, but represent examples of   •  The protective effect of LT against oxidative stress
                     potential uses that could be developed in the future.   in a rat model of acute and chronic diabetes: it did
                     An in vitro study with pancreatic islets treated showed   help for acute cases, but not for the chronic ones.
                     laser light significantly increased cell function before   LT restored normal glutathione reductase and
                     transplantation (higher insulin secretion after a glucose   superoxide dismutase activities and increased glu-
                     challenge test). [240]  A promoting effect of laser on pan-  tathione peroxidase and glutathione S-transferase
                     creatic β-cell replication and cell cycle progression has   activities. [244]
                     also been reported, [241]  as well as exocrine function of
                     this organ in cases of chronic pancreatitis. [242]  In exper-  The urinary tract is another candidate for LT. As
                     imental models of induced diabetes, laser enhanced   discussed in Chapter 3, several experimental models
                     antioxidant  defense  capabilities  in  the  kidney [243]   and   have reported effects such as decreased inflammatory
                     the liver [244]  of those animals, and improved renal func-  and fibrotic response in kidneys and decreased mor-
                     tion too.                                          phological damage in the glomeruli after different
                        Some cases of  intestinal inflammation can show   types of renal insult. [71,  72]  Secondary kidney damage
                     improvement with less common modalities of LT. An   due to metabolic syndrome has been investigated;  in
                     experimental model of acute colitis in mice, in which   a randomized,  placebo-controlled  study in  rats  with
                     850 nm light was applied endoscopically, reported   progressive renal failure induced by a metabolic and
                     an improvement of colonoscopic scoring at different   hypertensive disorder (nephropathy, hypertension,
                     doses. [245]  A clinical study in human patients with gas-  hyperlipidemia, and type II diabetes), LT, especially in
                     troduodenal ulcer described shorter times for ulcer   the higher dose group, which received 12 J/cm  for 5
                     healing in patients treated with LT than for those in the   days a week during 8 consecutive weeks, showed better
                     control group. [246]                               preserved glomerular filtration rate (despite no differ-
                        The liver could be another potential target for LT,   ences in plasma creatinine between groups), reduced

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