Page 89 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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Pointing light at soft tissue: clinical applications          75

                                                                     Once the patient improves, decrease the frequency of
                                                                     treatment. For chronic cases, once apparently healed, it
                                                                     is recommended to recheck and treat every 2–4 weeks,
                                                                     depending on the case. Use these visits to palpate and
                                                                     empty the anal sacs if necessary.

                                                                             7.7 Hygroma (false bursitis)

                                                                     This is a false bursa that can develop over bony promi-
                                                                     nences and pressure points. If a lot of fluid is present,
                                                                     drainage may be necessary, and of course bandaging
                                                                     and proper padding of surfaces. It is not uncommon to
                                                                     need 6–15 treatments. The most common location is
                                                                     the elbow, where it can be mistaken for true bursitis,
                                                                     since there is a true bursa situated under the tendon of
                                                                     the triceps brachii, where it crosses the proximal part
                                                                     of the olecranon (bursa subtendinea olecrani). Be aware
                                                                     that these are different clinical entities; a true bursa is
                                                                     an anatomical structure that cushions moving parts,
                                                                     such as tendons, ligaments, and muscles. True bursitis
                                                                     is associated with pathological changes in the associ-
                                                                     ated structures (tendon straining, fracture, etc.), for
                                                                     example in shoulder bursitis/tenosynovitis, and treat-
                                                                     ment has to consider this.
                                                                        Surgery is usually the last option for elbow hygro-
                                                                     mas, due to the risk of wound breakdown and chronic
                                                                     ulceration, and damage to the triceps tendon and true
                   Figure 7.15 This type of cap allows comfortable treatment of   bursa. Chronic ulcers of the elbow can heal with LT
                   the perineal area and it is easy to disinfect.    and proper wound care; or you can choose to improve
                                                                     tissues locally, get a partial closure, and then perform
                     LT  has  also  been  investigated  in  humans  for  the   surgery over healthy tissue – but as previously men-
                   treatment of anal fissure with some clinical results. [226]    tioned, LT can avoid many flaps.
                   Patients in the laser group significantly improved after   A callus usually develops over the false bursitis, but a
                   5–10 sessions: pain, spasm, bleeding, and constipation   chronic cavity may persist below the surface, with alter-
                   decreased, by as much as in the group that received   nating chronic fistulae – again, LT would be your best
                   botulinum  toxin  injections  for  chemical  sphincterot-  option here. Treat hygromas and callus (Fig. 7.16) as
                   omy, with no side effects.                        chronic wounds in terms of parameters, although very
                     Treat fistulae like deep chronic wounds, in non-  often you will be able to treat in contact and improve
                   contact  mode,  with  2–4  W  and  4–20  J/cm   (Table   penetration.
                   7.6). Include all the perineal area (tuber ischiadicum to
                   base of tail). The patient may be reluctant to have its   7.8 Gingivitis and stomatitis
                   tail raised initially, but this will soon improve. In severe
                   cases, start treating on 2–3 consecutive  days; milder   The main benefits of LT (tissue healing, decreased
                   cases can be treated every other day for 2–3 weeks.   pain and inflammation) can also be applied to the oral

                   Table 7.6 Recommended parameters for perineal treatments.
                              Dose (J/cm )                     Power (W)                  Power density (W/cm )
                                 4–20                             2–4                            0.5–1

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