Page 376 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 376

358  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                                                                  species, also the iris sphincter muscle. Parasympathetic
                       The striated pupillary muscle of birds is under   voluntary control and, in contrast to mammals, is   impulses originating primarily from the oculomotor nerve
                                                                  are conveyed by postganglionic fibres to the m. sphincter
                     not responsive to commonly used ophthalmic drugs.
                                                                  pupillae and the ciliary muscle. The effects of parasym-
                     Thus, while parasympatholytics are routinely used in
                     mammalian patients to achieve mydriasis for ophthal-  pathetic stimulation include pupillary constriction and
                     moscopic examination of the fundus, this practice is   contraction of the ciliary muscle for accommodation.
                     ineffective in birds. In several diving birds, including   Parasympathetic signals are transmitted by acetylcho-
                     penguins and cormorants, the m. sphincter pupillae   line secreted at the neuro-effector junction. Cholinergic
                     is particularly well developed and the lens protrudes   agents (e.g. pilocarpine, carbachol) activate muscarinic
                     through the pupil during accommodation. This   receptors, resulting in constriction of the pupil and contrac-
                     increases the refractive capacity of the lens, compen-  tion of the ciliary muscle. Blockage of these nerve impulses
                     sating for reduced corneal refraction under water.  by the plant alkaloids atropine and hyoscine causes passive
                                                                  mydriasis and disruption of accommodation.
                                                                     The sympathetic (adrenergic) system is activated by
                   INNERVATION OF THE IRIS AND CILIARY BODY       noradrenaline, serving as a neurotransmitter, and by cir-
                   The muscular and vascular components of the mammalian  culating adrenaline. The effect of these molecules, which
                   iris are controlled by neural and endocrine mechanisms.  bind with α- and β-receptors, can be modified by catecho-
                   The iris and ciliary body receive sympathetic and para-  lamine-depleting agents (e.g. reserpine).
                   sympathetic innervation from the short and long ciliary   Other substances that act as neurotransmitters in the
                   nerves. Postganglionic sympathetic fibres supply the m.  regulation of iris and ciliary muscle function include the
                   dilatator pupillae, the blood vessels of the iris and ciliary  neuropeptides substance P, vasoactive intestinal peptide
                   processes, stromal melanocytes, fibroblasts and, in some  (VIP) and neuropeptide Y (NPY).

                                                                  Neural tunic (retina, tunica interna bulbi)
                                                                  The retina is divided into an anterior portion devoid of
                                                                  photoreceptors, the pars caeca retinae, and a posterior
                                                                  photosensitive portion, the pars optica retinae (Figure
                                                                  16.11). Both portions consist of an inner and outer layer,
                                                                  reflecting their embryonic origin.
                                                                     In the pars caeca retinae, the two leaves of the optic
                                                                  cup remain largely undifferentiated, each forming a simple
                                                                  layer of epithelium. The two layers are closely apposed
                                                                  but remain separate. Based on its relationship to the ciliary
                                                                  body and iris, the pars caeca retinae is subdivided into the:
                                                                    ·  pars ciliaris retinae,
                                                                    ·  pars iridica retinae and
                   16.12  Scanning electron microscope image of the pos-  ·  ora serrata (ora serrata retinae).
                   terior epithelium of the cornea (horse; x5000).

                   16.13  Anterior portion of the bulb (schematic).

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