Page 83 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 83

Connective and supportive tissues (textus connectivus)  65

                  numbers of metabolically active organelles (mitochondria,  glycans in the amorphous ground substance influences the  Golgi apparatus, ER) as well as azurophilic granules (lys-  capacity for binding of extracellular water molecules. The
                  osomes). Monocytes migrate from the blood vessels into  metabolic activity of the connective tissue is regulated by
                  the tissue, where they differentiate into macrophages.
                                                                 hormones, particularly growth hormone, corticosteroids

                     Granulocytes are described in Chapter 8, ‘Immune  and oestrogens.
                  system and lymphatic organs’.                     Fibroblasts (Figures 3.5 and 3.6) synthesise:
                  Intercellular matrix (substantia intercellularis)  ·  fibres:
                  The intercellular matrix is composed of  fibres  and     − collagen fibres,
                  amorphous ground substance. Both are produced by      − reticular fibres,
                  connective tissue cells, particularly fibroblasts. Other,     − elastic fibres,
                  closely related, cells, such as chondroblasts and osteo-  ·  amorphous ground substance:
                  blasts, are also capable of synthesising intercellular matrix.     − proteoglycans and
                  The function of the extracellular matrix is determined     − structural glycoproteins.
                  by its biochemical composition: the proportion of fibres
                  has a significant impact on the pliability, elasticity and
                  flexibility of the tissue, while the amount of glycosamino-

                  3.5  Fibroblast with dense granules, multiple cell processes and bundles of collagen fibrils (x5000).

                  3.6  Intra- and extracellular fibre production (fibrogenesis).

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