Page 9 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 9

viii  Contents

                   6  Circulatory system                                Eosinophils (granulocytus     (systema cardiovasculare et          119       Agranulocytes                         140
                                                                           eosinophilicus)  139
                                                                        Basophils (granulocytus basophilicus)  140
                       H.-G. Liebich
                                                                        Lymphocytes  140
                       Cardiovascular system                               Lymphocyte formation
                       (systema cardiovasculare)             119             (lymphopoiesis)  140
                       Capillaries (vas capillare)           119           Lymphocyte morphology and function  140
                         Continuous capillaries  122                       T lymphocytes (T cells)  142
                         Fenestrated capillaries  122                      B lymphocytes  142
                         Sinusoidal capillaries (vas capillare          Monocytes  143
                            sinusoideum)  122                              Development of monocytes
                       Blood vessels                         122             (monocytopoiesis)  143
                         Structure  122                                    Monocyte morphology and function  143
                         Innervation  125
                         Nutritional blood supply  125                Platelets (thrombocytes)              144
                         Arteries (arteria)  125                      Development of platelets (thrombopoiesis)  144
                            Elastic arteries (arteria elastotypica)  126  Platelet structure and function   145
                            Muscular arteries (arteria myotypica)  126  Blood clot formation                145
                         Arterioles (arteriolae)  126
                         Veins (vena)  127                        8  Immune system and lymphatic
                         Venules (venula)  129                        organs (organa Iymphopoetica)        146
                         Arteriovenous specialisations  129           H.-G. Liebich
                       Heart (cor)                           129
                         The conducting system of the heart  130      Immune system                         146
                                                                      Principles of adaptive immunity       146
                       Lymph vessels (systema lymphovasculare)   130  Cells of the adaptive immune response   147
                       Lymph capillaries (vas lymphocapillare)   131    T cells  147
                       Collecting ducts (vas lymphaticum                   CD4  lymphocytes  147
                         myotypicum)                         132           CD8  lymphocytes  147
                       Lymph heart of birds (cor lymphaticum)   132     B cells  148
                       Lymphoreticular formations of birds   133        Immune response to antigens  148
                                                                      Major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
                   7  Blood and haemopoiesis                            proteins                            148
                       (sanguis et haemocytopoesis)         134         MHC class I proteins  148
                       H.-G. Liebich                                    MHC class II proteins  148

                       Formation of blood cells (haemopoiesis)   134    MHC class III proteins  148
                       Regulation of blood formation         134      Antigen-presenting cells              148
                       Bone marrow                           135        Macrophages  148
                                                                        Non-follicular dendritic cells  149
                       Blood cell differentiation            135        Follicular dendritic cells (FDCs)  149
                       Haemopoietic stem cells               135        B cells  149
                       Progenitor cells                      135      Elimination of antigens               149
                       Species variation                     136
                                                                      Lymphatic organs (organa lymphopoetica)  149
                       Red blood cells (erythrocytes)        136      Thymus                                149
                       Development of red blood cells                   Cortex  152
                         (erythropoiesis)                    136        Medulla  152
                       Erythrocytes                          136
                                                                           Differentiation of T lymphocytes  152
                       White blood cells (leucocytes)        137        Thymic involution  152
                       Granulocytes (granulocytus)           137      Bone marrow                           152
                         Development of white blood cells             Mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue (MALT)  152
                            (granulopoiesis)  137                       Lymphoid follicles  152
                         Neutrophils (granulocytus                      Tonsils and Peyer’s patches  153
                            neutrophilicus)  138                      Lymph nodes (nodi lymphatici)         154

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