Page 14 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 14

Contents  xiii

                        Structure of the quiescent mammary                Retinal pigment epithelium      Hormonal regulation of the mammary                Neurosensory retina (stratum nervosum
                           gland  338
                                                                            (stratum pigmentosum retinae)  360
                           gland  339
                                                                            retinae)  361
                        Sructure of the teat (papilla mammae)  339        Nutritional support of the retina  364
                      Digital organs and horn               340           Neurosensory retina of birds  365
                        Equine hoof (ungula)  340                         Optic nerve (nervus opticus)  367
                        Ruminant and swine hoof (ungula)  342        Species variation                     368
                        Claw (unguicula)  342                          Internal structures of the bulb  368
                        Horn  343                                         Lens  368
                                                                     Species variation                     369
                      Skin of birds                         343
                      Featherless body regions              344           Vitreous body (corpus vitreum)  369
                        Skin glands  345                             Species variation                     369
                      Feathered body regions                345           Anterior and posterior chambers  370
                        Feathers  345                                Species variation                     370
                           Feather structure  345                    Accessory organs of the eye           370
                                                                       Eyelids (palpebrae)  370
                  16  Receptors and sense organs                          Upper and lower eyelids (palpebra
                      (organa sensuum)                     347              superior et inferior)  370
                      H.-G. Liebich                                  Species variation                     370
                                                                            Tarsal plate (tarsus)  371
                      Exteroreceptors                       347      Species variation                     371
                      Free nerve endings                    347           Third eyelid (nictitating membrane,
                      Simple receptors                      347             palpebra tertia)  371
                      Lamellar receptors                    349      Species variation                     372

                      Proprioceptors                        349        Lacrimal apparatus (apparatus
                      Golgi tendon organ                    349           lacrimalis)  372
                      Muscle spindle                        349      Species variation                     372
                      Enteroreceptors                       349      Ear (organum vestibulocochleare)      372
                                                                     External ear (auris externa)          373
                      Gustatory organs (organa gustus)      349
                      Taste buds                            349        Pinna (auricle, auricula)  373
                                                                       External acoustic meatus
                      Olfactory organs (organa olfactus)    351           (meatus acusticus externus)  373
                                                                       Tympanic membrane
                      Eye (organum visus)                   353
                      Bulb (bulbus oculi)                   353           (membrana tympani)  373
                        Structure  353                               Species variation                     373
                        Fibrous tunic (tunica fibrosa or             Middle ear (auris media)              374
                           externa bulbi)  353                       Species variation                     374
                           Sclera  354                               Internal ear (auris interna)          375
                           Cornea  354                                 Vestibular apparatus (pars statica
                      Species variation                     354           labyrinthi, labyrinthus vestibularis)  375
                      Species variation                     354           Sacculus and utriculus  375
                        Vascular tunic (uvea, tunica vasculosa or         Semicircular ducts (ductus
                           media bulbi)  355                                semicirculares)  376
                           Choroid (choroidea)  355                    Auditory apparatus (pars auditiva
                      Species variation                     355           labyrinthi, labyrinthus cochlearis)  376
                           Ciliary body (corpus ciliare)  355             Cochlear duct (ductus cochlearis)  377
                      Species variation                     356           Spiral organ (organum spirale,
                           Iris  356                                        organ of Corti)  378
                      Species variation                     357      Species variation                     379
                           Innervation of the iris and ciliary body  358
                        Neural tunic (retina, tunica interna
                           bulbi)  358

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