Page 18 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 18

                  Translator’s note

                  It is hard to conceive of a more detailed, intricate and  veterinary histology. Dr Susan Hemsley MVSc PhD Grad
                  evolving discipline than histology, particularly when one   Cert Ed Stud, of the Centre for Veterinary Education at
                  incorporates concepts of cellular and molecular biology.   the University of Sydney, made invaluable contributions to
                  Adding to this complexity, in the veterinary field, is the  the chapters on epithelial tissue, connective and supportive
                  histological variation observed among the domestic ani-  tissues, blood and haemopoiesis, the immune system and
                  mal species. The production of a work such as Funktionelle  lymphatic organs, and the digestive system. I am indebted
                  Histologie der Haussäugetiere und Vögel, upon which this  also to Dr Glenn Shea BVSc (Hons) PhD, senior lecturer in
                  translation is based, thus represents a remarkable achieve-  veterinary anatomy at the University of Sydney, for his per-
                  ment. Also worthy of acknowledgement is the attention  tinent and insightful comments on the chapters pertaining
                  paid by the authors to both the educational and aesthetic  to the male reproductive and respiratory systems.
                  aspects of the book, resulting in a work of substance and   Completion of the translation would not have been
                  beauty.                                        possible without the contributions of Prof. Dr Hans-Georg
                     In translating this text, I have attempted to do justice to  Liebich, who addressed my many questions with patience
                  the years of work devoted by the contributing authors to  and perseverance. It was a rewarding experience to work
                  the five German language editions. I have also endeavoured  closely with the author of the original text.
                  to add salient updates from the contemporary literature.   It remains for me to express my heartfelt thanks to Ms
                  This undertaking can of course never be considered com-  Sarah Hulbert of 5M Publishing for her steadfast support
                  plete, as the body of knowledge grows on a daily basis and  throughout the completion of this project. I also thank
                  information frequently becomes superseded. Nevertheless,  the production team for bringing the translated text to
                  acknowledgment of new discoveries and perspectives is an  publication.
                  important part of the scientific process.                                  Sydney, Autumn 2019
                     The translation of several chapters was aided consider-                     Corinna Klupiec
                  ably by the expertise of colleagues experienced in teaching

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