Page 16 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 16


                  Veterinary Histology of  Domestic Mammals and Birds is a  pertinent to students and practising veterinarians. This
                  translation of the 5th edition of the German volume  version, like its German language predecessors, is thus
                  Funktionelle Histologie der Haussäugetiere und Vögel, a com-  intended to be much more than just a ‘histo book’ that
                  bined textbook and colour atlas designed for students and  helps students to study and prepare for examinations.
                  practising veterinarians. For several decades, this format   An additional aim, in this inaugural English edition,
                  has been very well received. The publication of an English  is to augment the time-honoured combination of robust
                  language version aims to extend its reach to an interna-  didactic text and quality atlas with the most recent devel-
                  tional audience.                               opments in scientific research. In doing so, care has been
                     Through previous German editions, this book has  taken to maintain a sense of proportion, to avoid losing
                  established a reputation as a high-quality text and strik-  focus on the information that is most applicable and acces-
                  ing pictorial work and has become recognised as a  sible to veterinary students. More detailed explanations are
                  seminal resource for the study of fundamental microscopic  left to the relevant specialised literature.
                  anatomy.                                          Translation of the 5th German edition has been carried
                     The primary objective in developing this book was to  out by Dr Corinna Klupiec BVSc PhD Grad Cert Ed Stud,
                  help students, veterinary practitioners and researchers  a former lecturer in veterinary anatomy in the Faculty of
                  attain a better understanding of histology. A further goal  Veterinary Science at the University of Sydney. It was most
                  was to take an interdisciplinary approach, creating links  fortuitous to access the services of Dr Klupiec, a highly
                  with macroscopic anatomy and physiology. This strategy  competent translator who approached the complexities
                  made histology more accessible to students and clinicians  of histology, including new developments in the field,
                  and enabled the reader to develop a greater appreciation  with great meticulousness and vigour. I extend my sincere
                  of the overarching relationships between the structure and  thanks to Dr Klupiec for her outstanding translation, and
                  function of organs and organ systems.          for the seamlessness of the collaboration between Munich
                     In the execution of this approach, descriptions of tis-  and Sydney that enabled the completion of this project.
                  sue and organ structure are integrated with references to   I would also like to express particular thanks to Dr
                  the many functions of the building blocks of cells, tissues  Grammatia Zengerling and to Prof. Dr Budras, Prof. Dr
                  and organ systems to facilitate understanding of biological  Maierl and Dr Reese, whose suggestions regarding content
                  interactions and pathophysiological derangements.   have contributed to the success of this book.
                     The current edition highlights the considerable impor-  Thanks are also due to Ms Christel Schura for digital
                  tance of histology as a foundation for comprehending  colouring of the schematic representations and editing of
                  related fields of science and medicine. With around 600  the digital colour images. Through her fruitful efforts in
                  colour photos, a multitude of electron microscope images,  improving colouring techniques, Ms Schura has developed
                  comprehensive colour schematics and a generous supply  a form of ‘digital water colouring’ that greatly facilitates
                  of tabulated information, the book helps to create a ‘pic-  the understanding of complex histological relationships.
                  ture’ of the relationships between form and function, and                   Munich, Spring 2019
                  draws attention to the aspects of histology that are most                   Hans-Georg Liebich

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