Page 22 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 22

4  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   1.2  Freeze-fracture electron microscope image of the cell membrane (plasmalemma) of a lymphocyte showing
                   the lipid bilayer and membrane proteins (x40,000).

                      At the outer surface of the plasmalemma, membrane  of the system – receptor, G-protein and enzyme – are able
                   proteins  serve  as  receptors  for  signalling molecules.  to move freely within the plane of the membrane. Binding
                   These include receptors involved in endocytosis and in  of this group of receptors with ligands occurs as a result of
                   recognition of other cells or cellular parasites (protozoa,  random interactions (mobile receptors).
                   viruses). Also present are receptors for substances that   While the plasmalemma, with its lipid bilayer, serves as
                   act as primary messengers in signal transduction path-  a barrier to the simple diffusion of most water-soluble mol-
                   ways, including hormones, growth factors, cytokines and  ecules, passage of small molecules across the membrane is
                   neurotransmitters.                             enabled by membrane transport proteins including chan-
                      These receptors are particularly significant in deter-  nel proteins and carrier proteins (Fig. 1.3) (see below).
                   mining the function and structure of each cell, and in   Channel proteins are components of ionotropic neu-
                   establishing its specificity. The structure of numerous  rotransmitter receptors, in which receptor subunits form
                   receptors has been characterised, enabling detailed exami-  a centrally located ion conduit (ion channel). Nicotinic
                   nation of cell structure and function by means of cloning,  acetylcholine receptors  are included in this group.
                   mutagenesis and transfection. Protein tyrosine kinases  Activation of the receptor results in opening of the ion
                   and G-protein coupled receptors represent two promi-  channel and influx of Na , leading to membrane depolari-
                   nent groups of cell surface receptors that convey signals  sation. This mechanism is integral to the transmission of
                   to regulatory systems within the cytoplasm.    signals between presynaptic cells and postsynaptic cell
                      Protein tyrosine kinases include receptors (receptor  membranes.
                   tyrosine kinases, RTKs) for growth factors such as epider-  Transport facilitated by carrier proteins may be pas-
                   mal growth factor (EGF) and insulin-like growth factor  sive or active (see below). Other membrane proteins have
                   I (IGF-I). This receptor type is activated by binding of a  enzymatic or catalytic functions.
                   ligand with endogenous kinase on the external surface of
                   the plasmalemma. Subsequent autophosphorylation or  Cellular metabolism
                   phosphorylation of other proteins results in the stimula-  Cells are characterised by the capacity to engage in con-
                   tion of cell-specific metabolic reactions.     tinuous synthesis, transformation, breakdown and, under
                      G-protein coupled receptors are activated by a range  certain circumstances, release of materials. To sustain
                   of ligands including hormones and neurotransmitters.  such metabolic activity, the cell takes up organic and inor-
                   This receptor type acts as a membrane modulator by reg-  ganic substances (substrates) from its surroundings and
                   ulating the activity of the membrane-associated enzyme  modifies these through a series of chemical reactions.
                   adenylyl cyclase. G-protein coupled receptors thus influ-  These reactions take place within the cellular matrix or in
                   ence production of the second messenger cyclic AMP  association with cellular organelles.
                   (cAMP)  within  the  cytoplasm (stimulation  through   Through this process, a diverse range of dietary nutri-
                   G -proteins, inhibition through G -proteins). This diverse  ents enters the cell and undergoes enzymatic cleavage
                     s                        i
                   family of receptors includes adrenergic, cholinergic, dopa-  (cellular digestion). Substances such as monosaccharides,
                   minergic and peptidergic receptors. The three components  fatty acids and amino acids, as well as ions and vitamins,

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