Page 26 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 26

8  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                                                                  Cell matrix (cytosol)
                     ·  constitutive and   ·  regulated secretory.                      The cytosol is the site of most of the reactions that, in
                                                                  biochemical terms, constitute intermediate (intermedi-
                                                                  ary) metabolism. This involves the liberation of energy
                   In the constitutive pathway, substances intended for export  (ATP) through the breakdown of small molecules and the
                   from the cell are delivered continuously to the plasma  synthesis of new macromolecules that contribute to the
                   membrane. This is exemplified by the secretion of certain  structure of the cell or maintenance of cellular metabolic
                   proteins immediately after their synthesis in the Golgi  processes.
                   apparatus (e.g. antibodies in plasma cells or collagen pre-  The cytosol comprises over half of the volume of
                   cursors in fibroblasts).                       the cell. It contains enzymes involved in glycolysis and
                      Regulated secretory exocytosis is performed by special-  gluconeogenesis, and serves as the site of assembly of
                   ised cells (e.g. endocrine or exocrine gland cells, or nerve  sugars, fatty acids, nucleotides and amino acids into com-
                   cells), in which hormones and other secretory products  plex organic molecules. In particular, a large portion of
                   are stored in the form of secretory granules. The release  the protein biosynthetic pathway takes place within the
                   of these granules is Ca -dependent and is controlled by  cytosol. Structural proteins that contribute to the stabil-
                   hormonal and neural mechanisms (e.g. the liberation of  ity, plasticity and motility of the cell are formed here.
                   zymogen granules by chief cells of the gastric mucosa or  The cell matrix has a high binding affinity for water and
                   acinar cells of the pancreas).                 electrolytes.
                                                                     In addition to enzymes, the cytosol contains dissolved
                   ENDOSOMAL SYSTEM                               proteins that confer upon the matrix the quality of a gel.
                   Within the cell, endocytosed vesicles become associated  The gel constantly changes its physical state by temporar-
                   with a system of membrane-bound compartments known  ily entering a liquid phase (solgel state).
                   as  endosomes.  Early endosomes are usually located   While molecular components of cellular metabolism
                   peripherally. Those located deeper in the cytoplasm (late  are typically not morphologically observable, individual
                   endosomes) generally mature into lysosomes.    structures associated with the storage of products of
                      Two models exist to explain the endosomal system.  intermediate metabolism can be visualised with micros-
                   According to one, endosomes are a stable component of  copy. In the synthesis of fat (triglycerides), fatty acids are
                   the cytoplasm, while in the other they are formed from  stored in lipid droplets. Glycogen, a storage form of poly-
                   endocytotic vesicles.  Early endosomes  manifest as  a  merised glucose, can be appreciated morphologically as
                   tubulovesicular structure, subdivided into cisternae by  glycogen granules. Structural proteins and lysosomes can
                   invagination of their membranes. Proteins are transported  also be identified.
                   from early endosomes to late endosomes by endosomal
                   vesicles referred to as multivesicular bodies. These con-
                   tain acid hydrolases, and are found in abundance in liver
                   cells, epithelial cells of the epididymis and in Type II alveo-
                   lar epithelial cells in the lung. After undergoing additional
                   biochemical transformation, late endosomes (also referred
                   to as prelysosomes) mature into lysosomes.
                      The primary  function of  endosomes is the  sorting
                   and recovery of proteins within the endocytotic vesicular
                   transport system. Ligands are separated from receptors
                   and the resulting components are directed into processing
                   pathways for recycling or degradation.

                   Intracellular metabolism
                   Intracellular metabolic processes take place either in the
                   cell matrix or in association with the cellular organelles,
                   particularly ribosomes and the membrane-bound com-
                   partments of the endoplasmic reticulum. The nucleus
                   plays a central role in coordinating the activity of these
                   (and other) organelles.
                      Mitochondria and the Golgi apparatus also participate
                   in intracellular metabolism, as do lysosomes and peroxi-  1.7  Components of lysosome biogenesis in a mac-
                   somes (see below).                             rophage (x10,000).

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