Page 92 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 92

74  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   forces to which it is subjected. On this basis, connective   and transient cells (e.g. lymphocytes, plasma cells). These  tissue is categorised as:                     are responsible for local immune responses.

                                                                  Dense connective tissue (textus connectivus
                     ·  loose connective tissue (low fibre content) or
                     ·  dense connective tissue (high fibre content).  collagenosus compactus)
                                                                  Dense connective tissue is composed predominantly of
                   Loose connective tissue (textus connectivus    collagen and elastic fibres, with relatively little ground sub-
                   collagenosus laxus)                            stance and smaller cell populations (fibrocytes).
                   Loose connective tissue is widely distributed throughout   According to the functional requirements of the tis-
                   the body in the form of interstitial connective tissue.  sue, the fibre bundles are closely apposed, their alignment
                   The collagen fibres are generally arranged in a grid-like  corresponding with the prevailing forces of tension and
                   fashion, allowing the tissue to adapt to functionally deter-  pressure. Dense connective tissue is more common in parts
                   mined changes in tension. As well as forming a flexible  of the body subjected to relatively large mechanical forces.
                   framework (stroma) for the organs, it connects and sepa-  According to the arrangement of the collagen fibres, it is
                   rates individual organ segments and provides channels for  divided into:
                   nerves and vessels.
                      Loose connective tissue underlies epithelial tissue, from   ·  dense irregular connective tissue and
                   which it is separated only by the basal lamina. It is of func-  ·  dense regular connective tissue.
                   tional significance in the exchange of metabolic substances
                   between the capillaries and the parenchyma of organs.  DENSE IRREGULAR CONNECTIVE TISSUE
                      The wide spaces between the collagen, reticular and  Dense  irregular  connective  tissue  primarily  forms  the
                   elastic fibres facilitate intercellular transport, aided by the  framework of organ capsules, fascia and aponeuroses, and
                   high water content of the hydrophilic glycosaminoglycans  the pericardium. The perichondrium, parts of the perios-
                   within the abundant ground substance. In this way, loose  teum (stratum fibrosum) and joint capsules are composed
                   connective tissue plays an important part in regulating the  of sheets in which collagen fibre bundles are configured
                   water content of the body.                     in a lattice (crossing each other at various angles). This
                      The cells of loose connective tissue consist primarily of  arrangement allows the tissue to adapt rapidly to changes
                   flattened fibroblasts and fibrocytes. Their shape conforms  in the shape of associated tissue (e.g. distension or con-
                   to the course of the surrounding collagen fibres. Loose  striction of a hollow organ, or contraction of a muscle).
                   connective tissue frequently contains histiocytes, mast cells  Dense irregular connective tissue contains little ground

                   3.20  Longitudinal section of a tendon (pig). Dense regular connective tissue is composed primarily of collagen
                   fibres that are foreshortened by interspersed elastic fibres. Thus, in longitudinal section, the lightly red-staining
                   collagen fibres are arranged in waves. The shape of the tendinocytes (fibrocytes associated with tendons) con-
                   forms to the course of the surrounding fibres. Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x480).

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