Page 109 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 109
Part B
Types of Learning That Can Be Achieved in a Zoo Environment
We learned in the previous section that ani- foundations in science, can benefit from
mals learn from their surroundings. In this good intuition; based on personal experience
section, chapters will discuss how learning of training and animal behaviour, as well as
opportunities can be afforded in the zoo derived from being well trained themselves.
environment, enabling animals to learn Thus we celebrate that training as an art and
throughout their lifetime. Specifically, we consider how this art can be integrated into
will dive into how training regimes based on the animal’s daily management routine.
the expression of wild‐type behaviours can Finally we will explore the human–animal
lead to the creation of enrichment and interactions that occur in a zoo and how
improved management overall. We will also these might result in learning opportunities
discuss how training, which certainly has its for the animals; and people.