Page 15 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 15
Notes Non NootriboNtes xv Khyne U. Mar is a veterinarian and conser- shops, internships, and service learning
opportunities in animal shelters, zoos, aquar-
vation biologist, with more than 30 years of
experience at academic, research, and
others. Dr Mehrkam’s research has been
administrative positions. Recipient of vari- iums, and animal sanctuaries, amongst
ous research grants, fellowships, and schol- published widely in peer‐reviewed scientific
arships. Specially trained for elephant journals and has been presented at national
management, elephant breeding, conserva- and international conferences. She has been
tion medicine, and biology. Extensive work recognised through popular media outlets,
experience in South‐east Asian countries as a grants, and scholarly and industry awards,
consultant veterinarian. including the Association for Professional
Dog Trainers, Maddie’s Fund, and the Animal
Steve Martin is president of Natural Behaviour Management Alliance. In addition
Encounters, Inc. a company of over 50 profes- to teaching and research, Dr Mehrkam serves
sional animal trainers who teach animal train- as the vice president for the Applied Animal
ing strategies and produce educational animal Behaviour Special Interest Group for the
programmes at zoological facilities around Association for Behaviour Analysis
the world. He spends over 200 days each year International (ABAI) and as an advisory
on the road serving as an animal behaviour board member for Big Oak Wolf Sanctuary.
and visitor experience consultant at zoological
facilities worldwide. Steve teaches several Vicky A. Melfi is a Professor at Hartpury
training workshops each year and is an University, Gloucestershire, UK. She has
instructor at the AZA Animal Training almost 30 years’ experience working within
School, an instructor at the Recon – Elephant the zoo profession, focusing on animal wel-
Training Workshop, a trustee with the World fare and conservation, in appointments
Parrot Trust, and a member of the AZA within the UK, Ireland, and Australia. She
Animal Welfare Committee. He is also presi- has also held various academic appoint-
dent of Natural Encounters Conservation ments, notably at the Universities of Exeter,
Fund, Inc. a non‐profit company that has Plymouth, and Sydney. Vicky is a passionate
raised and donated over $1.3 million to in situ advocate of professional–academic collabo-
conservation programmes. As a core team rations, which serve to gather data which can
member of the California Condor Recovery underpin evidence based practice, and
Team, Steve helped guide the release of the improve our understanding of animal and
captive‐bred condors back into the wild. human behaviour and their interactions,
both of which can lead to great animal wel-
Lindsay R. Mehrkam is an applied animal fare and conservation outcomes.
behaviourist, animal welfare scientist, and
doctoral‐level board certified behaviour ana- Erik Miller‐Klein is a founding partner of
lyst (certificate number: 1‐15‐17919, certi- A3 Acoustics, a licenced acoustical engineer,
fied February 2015). Her primary research and is board certified by the Institute of
interests focus on the benefits of human– Noise Control Engineering in the United
animal interaction, enrichment, and training States. His background in science and music
for improving the welfare of both animals gives him a finely tuned ear to noise issues
and people in society. As the director of the and a general curiosity to understand the
Human & Animal Welfare Collaboratory fundamental impact of noise and vibration.
(HAWC) and the faculty representative for His work focuses on designing environments
the Six Flags Field Experience Programme, that acknowledge the complex nature of
her teaching and research programmes in acoustics, whilst integrating in solutions that
applied animal behaviour, learning, and well‐ address the role sound plays in the way we
being have led to grants, publications, work- communicate, relax, and interpret our world.