Page 16 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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xvi  ­Notes Non NootriboNtes  Joshua M. Plotnik is a comparative psychol-  cation programmes. Previously, Ken served
                                                     as EVP of animal care and training at
            ogist and conservation behaviour researcher
            who has studied elephant cognition since
                                                     eran of animal care and training, Ramirez is a
            2005.  Recently,  Josh  has  been working  in   Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium. A 40+ year vet-
            Thailand to understand how research on ani-  biologist and behaviourist who has worked
            mal thinking can be applied directly to the   with many zoological organisations and dog
            mitigation of human/wildlife conflict. He is a   programmes throughout the world. He
            faculty  member  in  the  Department  of   hosted two successful seasons of the TV
            Psychology  and  the  animal  behaviour  and   series Talk to the Animals. Ramirez authored
            conservation programme at Hunter College,   the book Animal Training: Successful Animal
            and in the cognitive and comparative psy-  Management through Positive Reinforcement
            chology graduate programme at the Graduate   in 1999 and  Better Together: The Collected
            Center of the City University of New York.   Wisdom of Modern Dog Trainers in 2017. He
            He is also the founder and executive director   taught a graduate course on animal training
            of Think Elephants International, a US non‐  at Western Illinois University for 20 years. He
            profit charity working to bridge the gaps   currently teaches at ClickerExpo every year,
            between research, education, and conserva-  offers hands on courses and seminars at the
            tion by using elephants as a conduit. Dr   Karen Pryor National Training Center (the
            Plotnik  was  previously  a  Newton  interna-  Ranch), and teaches online courses through
            tional fellow at the University of Cambridge,   Karen Pryor Academy.
            and has earned degrees from both Emory
            University  (MA  and  PhD)  and  Cornell   Marty Sevenich‐MacPhee is an animal
            University (BS).                         behaviour and husbandry professional who
                                                     has devoted her career to animal training,
            Gary Priest ‘Growing up on a ranch in    enrichment, and welfare. Since earning her
            Southern California, I have been around ani-  bachelor’s degree from the University of
            mals all my life. For as long as I can remem-  Illinois in 1984, Marty has held leadership
            ber, I have been fascinated by the ways both   positions responsible for programming in
            animals and people learn.’ For over four dec-  behavioural husbandry at Chicago’s Brookfield
            ades, Gary Priest has enjoyed a career that   Zoo and Walt Disney World. In addition to
            has taken him all over the world to work with   her contributions to the betterment of animal
            all types of animals and train all sorts of peo-  husbandry, Marty also specialises in the edu-
            ple to understand and use operant condition-  cation of animal trainers as an active consult-
            ing to improve animal care and welfare. A   ant and is the author of publications on animal
            senior manager with San Diego Zoo Global   husbandry. Marty has also served as a board
            for 35 years, Priest is curator of animal care   member and/or on committees for IMATA,
            training with San Diego Zoo Global Academy   IAATE, and AZA. She has been an instructor
   Gary received   for various AZA courses on training and
            his BA (natural science) from Western    enrichment of animals that include managing
            Illinois University and his MA (management)   animal enrichment and training programmes,
            from National University in San Diego.   crocodilian biology and management, and
            Gary’s patient wife has managed to expertly   animal training applications in zoos and
            shape his behaviour from their first encoun-  aquariums.
            ter at 14.
                                                     Andrew Smith’s main areas of expertise are
            Ken Ramirez is the EVP and chief training   behavioural ecology and primate colour
            officer  for  Karen  Pryor  Clicker  Training   vision. His work looks at how animals, from
            where he helps to oversee the vision, devel-  aardvarks  to  goldfish,  interact  with  each
            opment and implementation of training edu-  other and their environment. Much of his
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