Page 162 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 162

134  7  The Art of ‘Active’ Training  to swim to a rock on the island across the   able to give the end of session cue, leave the
                                                     area of the lions and go fully inside the office,
            pool from the trainer’s exit. Using a variable
            duration schedule the trainer increased the
            amount of time between reinforcers as the   then come back to reinforce the lion’s calm
            sea lion sat on the rock. The trainer then took   The trainer then found other ways to rein-
            a couple of steps towards the exit and tossed   force calm behaviour. Before each indoor
            the sea lion a fish to reinforce the behaviour   training session, he scattered enrichment
            of sitting on the rock as the trainer moved   items and hid food treats in the exhibit. At
            towards the exit. The trainer made a few   the end of the training session, the trainer
            steps forward, tossed the sea lion another   gave an end of session cue and when the lions
            fish and then went back on the spot on the   showed calm behaviour he opened the shift
            path where he started. He repeated these   door to the outdoor exhibit. Access to the
            steps until he could leave through the gate,   variety and value of treats and enrichment in
            and then come back to reinforce the station-  the exhibit became reinforcers for calm
            ing behaviour of the sea lion. Soon, the end of   behaviour after the end of session cue.
            session cue meant go to the rock across the
            pool and wait for the trainer to go to the gate.
            As the sea lion sat on the rock, the trainer   7.4   Training Specific
            came back and reinforced the behaviour with   Behaviours
            varying type and quantity of primary and
            secondary reinforcers.                   7.4.1  Target Training
              Two male lions at another zoo worked per-
            fectly in their training sessions until the   One  of the  first  behaviours  many  trainers
            keeper gave the end of session cue, which   teach animals in zoos it to touch its nose or
            resulted in the lions’ loud vocalisations and   other body part on a target (Figure 7.4). This
            feet clawing at the bars. This behaviour con-  target can be the end of a stick, a ball on the
            tinued for years because the trainers were   end of a stick, a balled‐up fist, or any other
            instructed to always give an end of session   object that the trainer can move around from
            cue to their animals when they ended a ses-  place to place. Animals can learn to touch a
            sion. On a suggestion from another trainer,   target with their nose, hand, foot, side, or
            they developed a plan to replace aggressive   almost any body part. Targets can be used in
            behaviour with calm behaviour in response   protected contact by placing them just out-
            to the end of session cue. The trainer gave the   side the barrier and the animal will touch the
            end of session  cue and immediately gave a   inside of the barrier at the location of the tar-
            piece of food to the lions. After a few repeti-  get. Targets increase motivation for some
            tions of associating the cue with the reinforc-  animals’ approach behaviour, give clear
            ers, the trainer had shaped calm behaviour   directional cues, provide safer training envi-
            that replaced the previous aggressive behav-  ronments, and generally give trainers a tool
            iour when the cue was presented. The trainer   for moving animals with more precision,
            then  used  a variable  duration  schedule  of   comfort, and fluidity. Laser dots are also used
            reinforcement to extend the amount of time   as targets when animals are taught to touch
            the lions performed the calm behaviour   the dot. Teaching an animal to touch a laser
            before reinforcement. After calm behaviour   dot with its nose can be dangerous if the laser
            of about five seconds was on a high level of   hits the animal’s eye for a prolonged period
            stimulus control, the trainer began moving   of time, which is why some trainers prefer to
            away  from  the  barrier  after  giving  the  cue   teach animals to touch laser dots with their
            and reinforced approximations of calm    hand, foot, or finger.
            behaviour as he walked away from the lions.   A long duration hold is an important part
            In this one training session the keeper was   of target training. Using a variable duration
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