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194  Box B3  Elephant  ognition: An  verviee  taxa, further comparative research could pro-  elephant cognition can also aid in the devel-
                                                     opment of appropriate management and con-
            vide important insight on the convergent evo-
            lution of physical and socio‐cognitive traits in
                                                     elephant species (Mumby and Plotnik 2018).
            a variety of intelligent species. Future research   servation methods for the three endangered
            on elephant cognition, however, should focus   Lastly, information about elephants’ advanced
            on experimental designs that recognise the   physical and socio‐cognitive abilities, espe-
            elephants’ strength in acoustic and olfactory   cially those that are similar to humans, can be
            tasks so that comparisons can be made with-  an important educational tool to encourage
            out neglecting the differences in sensory per-  the public to become more engaged in con-
            spectives across species. Information about   servation efforts.


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